6348 results found
… If wheezing or sudden shortness of breath occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called … inhaler does not seem to be working well. Learn when you can treat sudden breathing problems by yourself and … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients (such as milk proteins), which can cause …
… can help decrease the number of times you need to use your quick relief inhaler. Montelukast is also used to relieve … this medication should be used for this condition only when you cannot take other allergy medications or they do … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or …
Health topics
… about breastfeeding. Don't let them discourage you. The truth is, most people can breastfeed after giving … the common myths and concerns about breastfeeding. Maybe you've heard them: My mother couldn't breastfeed, so I … a little smaller and feel more 'normal'. If this happens when your baby is going through a growth spurt, you may …
Health topics
… where the ligament was cut will fill with scar tissue. If you have endoscopic surgery, you probably won't have to stay … Done Endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery is considered when: You still have symptoms after a long period of … Or you may have a short-term loss of strength when you pinch or grip an object. If the thumb muscles have …
… these reliable forms of glucose, raise your blood sugar quickly by eating a quick source of sugar such as table … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or … of high or low blood sugar. Do not use this medication when you have low blood sugar. You may experience blurred …
… these reliable forms of glucose, raise your blood sugar quickly by eating a quick source of sugar such as table … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or … of high or low blood sugar. Do not use this medication when you have low blood sugar. You may experience blurred …
Medical tests
… CT scans may also be used. A prostate biopsy may be done: When a blood test shows a high level of prostate-specific … To monitor the growth of prostate cancer for someone on active surveillance. Why It Is Done You may need a prostate … under a microscope and how likely those cells are to grow quickly and spread. Your doctor will discuss this with you. …
Health topics
… is where blood cells are made. White blood cells help your body fight infection. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Platelets help your blood clot. When you have leukemia, the bone marrow starts to make a lot … your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Cancer: …
Health topics
… of tissue from the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of your uterus. It opens into your vagina. There are a few ways … will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. You may have some light … will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. You may have some light …
… sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called … of inhalations you use. The inhaler should be discarded when every inhalation has been used (when the dose indicator … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients (such as lactose, milk proteins), which …