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Health topics
… dies during sleep. If this happens to a healthy baby younger than 1 year old, it's called sudden infant death … baby has died. It's no one's fault. SIDS can happen even when you do everything right. What causes it? Doctors don't … of struggle and are often found in the same position as when they were placed in the bed. How is it diagnosed? SIDS …
Health topics
… immunoglobulin E (IgE) from attaching to allergens . When IgE attaches to an allergen, it sets off a process that … needed. Omalizumab is given as a shot. The dose depends on your body weight and IgE level. Your doctor may recommend … immunoglobulin E (IgE) from attaching to allergens . When IgE attaches to an allergen, it sets off a process that …
Health topics
… Clotting factor concentrate can be given in a hospital. You can also give it to yourself or to your child at home. … the benefits and risks of giving yourself injections only when you need them, in response to a bleed or before an … on a regular schedule? Or do you want to give them only when you need them? What types of activities do you do? Do …
HealthLinkBC files
… drinking during pregnancy? There are a number of risks for you and your developing baby if you drink alcohol when you are pregnant. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder … at any stage of pregnancy. It is safest not to drink at all when you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or having …
Medical tests
… such as transferrin or ferritin, or stored in body tissues. When red blood cells die, their iron is released and carried … Check for too much or too little iron in the blood. See if your diet is providing enough iron. Find out if treatment to … feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of …
Medical tests
… by the adrenal glands . Aldosterone levels tell the kidneys when to hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the … feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of … nutrition. Low sodium levels can also be caused by underactive adrenal glands or thyroid gland , heart failure , …
Health topics
… Aneurysm: Should I Get a Screening Test? Decision Point You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may … is a bulge in part of the aorta , the body's main artery. When this bulge is in the belly (abdomen), it's called an … which is often deadly. What is the treatment for AAA? When the bulge is small, not causing symptoms, and not …
Health topics
… Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby On this page: Overview Overview When to start giving your baby solid foods Breast milk or … eat solid foods Your baby may be ready to eat solid foods when your baby: Is about 6 months old. Starts to get curious …
… treatment with this medication. This helps move the drug quickly through your body and helps reduce some of the side … and sunlamps. Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors. Tell your doctor right away if you have skin … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or …
Health topics
… are completely healed. But there is a small risk that you can spread the virus even if you don't have blisters.  … sores. They have no symptoms. You may not get cold sores when you are first infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). If cold sores do form when you are first infected, they may be more severe than in …