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Health topics
… treat dry AMD. Photodynamic therapy may be recommended if you can't have injections of medicines to treat your AMD or … After treatment, avoid direct sunlight for 2 to 5 days. And when you have to be outdoors, wear dark sunglasses to … eye. Photodynamic therapy is not usually recommended. But when anti-VEGF injections can't be used or don't work, …
Health topics
… separation of two parts of the shoulder . It occurs when the outer end of the collarbone (clavicle) separates … symptoms? Symptoms of a shoulder separation include pain when the injury occurs. Limited shoulder movement as well as … a medical history, a physical examination, and an X-ray . Your doctor will check: For a deformity or bump. The range …
Health topics
… is diagnosed with a physical examination and other tests. You will be asked about your symptoms and any recent exposure to latex. The doctor may also ask a lot of questions about your past health. Tests may include: A blood test. This can …
Health topics
… Information Feeling tired is common if you have HIV, especially if you have had the virus for many … your strength and give you more energy. If you haven't been active at all, talk with your doctor about starting a … your strength and give you more energy. If you haven't been active at all, talk with your doctor about starting a …
Health topics
… Overview What is a puss caterpillar? How can it harm you? The puss caterpillar , or woolly slug, is the most … Fever. Muscle cramps. Swollen glands. Symptoms of shock. If you come into contact with a puss caterpillar, remove the … using cellophane tape or a commercial facial peel, and call your doctor. Insect Bites and Stings and …
Health topics
… of coal dust, how much dust was in the air, and how long you have been exposed to it. What causes it? The inhalation … dust in the lungs, it may appear and get worse during your exposure to the dust or after your exposure has ceased. What are the symptoms? Many people …
Health topics
… heart-healthy diets recommend getting less than 35% of your calories from fat. But in the Mediterranean diet, an … fats may help protect the heart and blood vessels. How can you make it part of your eating plan? Here's how to eat a traditional …
Health topics
… Overview Overview By now your child has been seeing a dentist regularly for years. Continue with your usual schedule. If for some reason your child has not yet seen a dentist, make an appointment …
Health topics
… a high blood sugar level in the early morning. How can you tell the difference? The Somogyi effect can occur any time you or your child has extra insulin in the body. To sort out …
Health topics
… that cause these same symptoms. Having tingling in parts of your body does not mean you have vCJD. Dementia . Psychosis . Problems moving parts … right away. The time it takes for symptoms to occur after you're exposed to the disease is not known for sure, but …