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Health topics
… Overview Heart failure means that your heart muscle does not pump as much blood as your body … reduced ejection fraction (systolic heart failure) happens when the muscle of the left ventricle cannot pump blood … ejection fraction (diastolic heart failure) happens when the left ventricle cannot fill properly with blood …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … rapid speech). Be especially watchful for these symptoms when a new antidepressant is started or when the dose is … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or …
Health topics
… count is an important measurement of how HIV is affecting your immune system and can help you decide when to begin treatment for HIV or when you need to try a different combination of medicines. …
Health topics
… the airway and decreases the chance that it will collapse when you inhale. Other oral breathing devices supply electrical … to the tongue muscles to prevent the airway from collapsing when you sleep. Oral breathing devices may reduce snoring or …
Health topics
… streaks, sparks, or flickers of light, particularly when you move your eyes or head. The flashes of light may be easier to see when you look toward a dark background. The brief flashes …
Health topics
… Overview Speech and language lessons start in the uterus. Your developing baby hears and responds to familiar voices. … learns more nuances of language. These are later expressed when he or she starts to talk. Babies learn language skills … speech patterns and pitch. You provide comforting contact when you read to your baby. Forming a reading routine early …
Health topics
… blindness? Colour blindness is a vision problem that means you have trouble seeing shades of red, green, or blue or a mix of these colours. It happens when there's a problem with some of the cells found in the … senses either red, green, or blue light. You see colour when your cone cells sense different amounts of these three …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A voiding cystourethrogram (say "sis-toh-you-REE-throh-gram") is a test that is done to see if there … urinary tract infections and not being able to control when you urinate (urinary incontinence). Check for … Feels This test isn't painful, and you won't feel anything when the X-rays are taken. You may find it somewhat …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colposcopy lets a doctor look at your vulva , vagina , and cervix. If the doctor sees a … normal. Sometimes the doctor also takes photos or videos. When the speculum goes in, it can feel a little … Colposcopy is done to: Look at the cervix for problem areas when a Pap test was abnormal. If an area of abnormal tissue …
Health topics
… basal cell and squamous cell cancers (carcinomas) from your skin. Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in … if the tissue is skin cancer and if all of it was removed. When you find out that you have cancer, you may feel many … in.) wide has cure rates as high as 95 out of 100 people, when done with 4 mm (0.2 in.) margins. footnote 1 When