6348 results found
Health topics
… for people who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when your thyroid gland suddenly releases large amounts of … by surgery or by using iodine for a CT scan or in radioactive iodine therapy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of …
Health topics
… Cleaning Your Young Child's Natural (Uncircumcised) Penis On this … outside of the penis. Don't try to force the foreskin back. When the foreskin can be pulled back, the area needs to be … back too early can damage it and cause scar tissue to form. When you're able to pull the foreskin back, do so gently. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor about what day to start using the patch. Doctors … patch is a highly effective method of birth control when it is used exactly as directed. The patch failure rate … the fourth week. So you'll have your period that week. When you remove a patch, dispose of it carefully. Because of …
Health topics
… happen in people who have sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the … spleen can enlarge, get damaged, and not work as it should. When the spleen doesn't work well, a person is more likely … Those affected This condition is more common in infants and young children who have sickle cell disease. It may follow a …
Health topics
… can't digest all of the breast milk or formula properly. When fed too much, a baby may also swallow air. This can … intense in an already colicky baby. What are signs that your baby has had enough to eat? Babies give cues during … they are. Pay attention to these cues to help determine when your baby has had enough to eat. A baby who is hungry …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or … in the area to be treated. Skin infections can become worse when this medication is used. Tell your doctor promptly if …
Health topics
… Is Struggling Emotionally On this page: Overview Overview When a friend is going through a tough time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing … friend says no, making the offer shows them you care. And when you don't see each other in person, you can still be …
Health topics
… Support On this page: Overview Overview You may express gender in a way that differs from how you … such as at school or work, home alone, out with friends. When you are transgender, also known as trans, your gender … others you may feel shame, guilt or other negative emotions when you consider the possibility that you might be trans. …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … unless you are using this medication to treat the hands. When applying this medication near the eyes, avoid getting … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … rarely cause severe (sometimes fatal) allergic reactions when given by injection into a muscle or vein. Vitamin K … if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or …