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Health topics
… cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease . A gum specialist (periodontist) or an … good dental care after the surgery, the flap procedure should allow you to clean your teeth and gums better. Your … Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Martin J. Gabica MD - Family Medicine Current as …
Health topics
… or stroke. But taking aspirin isn't right for everyone, because it can cause serious bleeding. You and your doctor can decide if aspirin is a good choice for you. Who should take aspirin For people who have had a heart attack: … Bloody or pink urine. Tell your doctor about all your medicines. Aspirin should not be taken with many …
Health topics
… nodule) or more than one (called multiple nodules). What causes them? Lung nodules may be caused by: A lung cancer. A cancer that has spread … it's caused by an infection or inflammation), you may take medicine to treat that problem. If the cause isn't clear, …
Health topics
… muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Because your heart can't pump well, your heart and your body try … With heart failure, the heart doesn't pump as well as it should. So your body doesn't get enough blood and oxygen. … Cardiology, Electrophysiology Martin J. Gabica MD - Family Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Stephen Fort MD, …
Health topics
… Overview Many health problems cause confusion or decreased alertness. It is not unusual for … cold temperature exposure (hypothermia), and heatstroke. Medicines and alcohol or drug use or problems caused by quitting their use (withdrawal). Infection, especially an …
Health topics
… prevent allergens in your bedroom. Clean often. Regular housecleaning can help prevent allergens from building up. … or liquid bleach mixed with water. Try to keep your house aired out and dry. Avoid indoor air pollution. Polluted … Staff Medical Review: E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine Martin J. Gabica …
Health topics
… supplies blood to the brain. Most brain aneurysms don't cause problems. Sometimes an aneurysm bursts, or ruptures. … in people who have a history of high blood pressure . Smoking. The use of cigarettes may greatly increase the … its size, and your general health. Both of these procedures should be done in a hospital where many procedures like …
Health topics
… and sumac? Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are plants that can cause a red, itchy rash called allergic contact dermatitis . It is the most common skin problem caused by contact with plants. What causes the rash? The rash … sleepy, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. …
Health topics
… or a health care representative, agent, or proxy. What should you include in an advance care plan? It may be hard to know what to include in your advance care plan . Use the questions below to help you get started. Who do you … food and fluids if you can't eat or drink. Antibiotics are medicines used to treat serious infections. Life support How …
Health topics
… to the heart. The veins of the legs might not work as they should. This can allow blood to leak backward. It can lead … damaged valves allow some blood to leak backward. This causes the veins to become overfilled. Fluid seeps out of the … steps to try at home, such as getting regular exercise. Medicine or a procedure can also be treatment options. …