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6284 results found
Health topics
… problems. But long-term effects may depend on what caused the fluid buildup, how bad it gets, and how the baby … fluid can't move where it needs to or is not absorbed as it should be. And in rare cases the brain makes too much fluid. … treatment is needed to reduce the fluid. This may include medicines, a lumbar puncture (sometimes called a spinal …
Health topics
… But when the retina detaches, it no longer works as it should. It can cause blurred and lost vision. Retinal detachment requires … Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Adam Husney MD - Family Medicine E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Current …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to make a picture of the tissues inside the … the waist. You will be given a gown to drape around your shoulders. Remove all jewellery from around your neck. Gel … Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Sarah Marshall MD - Family Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Laura S. …
Health topics
… reduce the risk of tiny injuries to the muscles that may cause more pain. Exercise may also help you sleep better and … people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as … people with this condition. A balanced exercise program should include: Low-impact aerobic exercise, such as …
Health topics
… of age and has a fever or shows signs of illness, they should be seen by a health care provider. For more … Control: COVID-19 illness in children . Rapid antigen tests Use a rapid antigen test at home to find out if you have … treatment if you are eligible. Learn more about how to use a Rapid Testing kit and what the test results mean: BC …
Health topics
… outside. It depends on how active you already are and how used to hot weather you are. But anytime you exercise, it's … dizzy. If you are overweight, have health problems, take medicines, or use alcohol, you may be at a higher risk for … children are at a higher risk for heat-related illness and should be extra cautious. Remind children to drink plenty of …
Health topics
… is scabies? Scabies is a condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. The itching … and to keep from spreading it to others, you need to use medicine. It is usually treated with a non-prescription … from person to person. Until scabies has cleared up, you should avoid close contact with anyone and make sure not to …
Health topics
… and having a job. ASD now includes conditions that used to be diagnosed separately. These include autism, … needs. These may include speech and occupational therapy. Medicine. It might be used to treat symptoms of ASD, such as … related to ASD. All doctors who do routine checkup visits should watch for early signs of developmental disorders. In …
Health topics
… history. The player's concussion history. The player's medicine use. The type of sport and the position played. The player's … new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of …
Health topics
… acute myelogenous leukemia. It's a type of leukemia that causes the body to make too many myeloblasts. Myeloblasts are … cells. But if those young cells don't mature like they should, they can start to grow abnormally and out of … . You may also have targeted therapy or get other medicines. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise …