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3382 results found
Health topics
… of high blood sugar. Parents need to do a home blood sugar test on their child whenever they suspect high blood sugar. … produce little or no insulin. These people may also have: Rapid, deep breathing. A fast heart rate and a weak pulse. A … produce little or no insulin. These people may also have: Rapid, deep breathing. A fast heart rate and a weak pulse. A …
Health topics
… and location of the cancer. How advanced the cancer is. How rapidly the cancer is developing. Whether there are other … pregnancy because it can be harmful to the baby. Diagnostic tests that use radiation may be used during pregnancy if … and location of the cancer. How advanced the cancer is. How rapidly the cancer is developing. Whether there are other …
Health topics
… The sleep cycle is divided into two main stages: non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Non-REM sleep Non–rapid eye movement sleep has three stages: Stage N1 occurs …
… or use a saliva substitute. Pain or sores in the mouth and throat may occur. Brush your teeth carefully/gently, avoid … signs of lung disease (such as cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing) signs of skin infection (such as … seizures, or confusion) signs of serious stomach/intestinal problems (such as severe stomach/abdominal pain, …
… trouble breathing, itching, swelling (especially of the throat/lips), dizziness, fast/slow/irregular heartbeat, or … have ever had hepatitis B. Your doctor should do a blood test for hepatitis B before starting treatment. Tell your … Rituximab sometimes causes side effects due to the rapid destruction of cancer cells (tumor lysis syndrome). To …
… to treatment. Before each cycle, you should have blood tests to find the best dose for you and to see whether you … away if you have any signs of infections (such as a sore throat or cough that doesn't go away, fever, chills, swollen … Bendamustine sometimes causes side effects due to the rapid destruction of cancer cells (tumor lysis syndrome). To …
… dosage is based on your body size, medical condition, lab tests, and response to treatment. To prevent dehydration, it … risk. Bortezomib sometimes causes side effects due to the rapid destruction of cancer cells (tumor lysis syndrome). To … like coffee grounds, signs of an infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever, chills), unusual …
Medical tests
… Vaginal Self-Examination (VSE) On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results What Affects the Test Test Overview A vaginal self-examination is a way for a …
Health topics
… what is swallowed passes from your mouth through your throat, down your ( esophagus ), and into your stomach. A … tract and need to be removed. Your doctor may recommend tests such as an X-ray , endoscopy , or barium swallow . These tests can help find the object if it doesn't come out in the …
Medical tests
… Thoracentesis On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Thoracentesis (say "thor-uh-sen-TEE-sis") is a … fluid buildup. Or you may have it done so the doctor can test the fluid to find the cause of the buildup. Your doctor …