6353 results found
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… "or-kee-EK-tuh-mee") is surgery to remove one or both of your testicles. It is usually done to treat testicular … testicles (saline implants) can be put into the scrotum. You should be able to do most of your normal activities … you will not be able to father a child. And you may have problems getting an erection. It is common to feel sad …
Health topics
… Services provided by a midwife A midwife can: Act as your designated most responsible provider in primary care … medical conditions and prescribe medications related to your reproductive and sexual health Deliver your baby in a … medical care Carry out appropriate emergency measures, when necessary Prescribe medications during pregnancy, …
Health topics
… objects or forgotten tampons may cause a vaginal infection. Young girls might insert pieces of toilet paper, small toys, … usually relieves these symptoms. Removal of an object in a young girl requires treatment by a doctor to reduce the risk … Tighten your lower abdominal muscles as if you are going to have a bowel movement. This may push the object lower in the …
Health topics
… is used to scrape and smooth the top layers of the skin. If you have a tattoo that you would like to have removed, talk with your doctor about …
Health topics
… muscle and tissue between the anus and the vagina. One step you could take that might help prevent tearing is to stretch and massage the perineum for a few weeks before your due date. Studies show that some people who did regular … your legs apart and your back supported. You might want to have a hand mirror handy, so you can see your perineum. Or …
Health topics
… a noise is harmful depends on how loud it is and how long you're around it. Noise can affect hearing in several ways. … and factory workers, or those in the military, might have this type of hearing loss. A sudden, extremely loud … ears. But one ear may be affected more than the other if you've had repeated, long-term exposure to a loud sound that …
Health topics
… Overview Benzoyl peroxide is a medicine you use to treat acne . It comes in different strengths in … pimples and cystic lesions . At first, acne may get worse. Your skin may get red and peel. It's not a quick fix. You … as 4 to 6 weeks before your acne starts improving. Does it have side effects? Side effects of benzyl peroxide for some …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If you are pregnant and have vaginal infection symptoms, see your doctor. Do not use non-prescription yeast infection …
Health topics
… Fever with no other cause. Blurred or decreased vision. Your eyes may often water or tear. You may notice a small amount of white or creamy drainage at times. If you have no pain or other symptoms, home treatment is usually …
Health topics
… relief and improve function. Arthroplasty is considered when: Symptoms can no longer be controlled with medicine, … Pain from rheumatoid arthritis can no longer be tolerated. You are not able to do normal daily activities. Narrowing of … relief and improve function. Arthroplasty is considered when: Symptoms can no longer be controlled with medicine, …