6350 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… parasite that infects the intestines of humans and animals. When a person gets sick, the infection is called giardiasis … cysts can survive in lakes, ponds, creeks and streams. You can become infected if you drink or accidentally swallow … in settings such as child care centers. The risk is greatest for young children who are not yet …
… and your specific health needs. Warning Codeine has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and … treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose increase, or … not work as well. If you have ongoing pain (such as due to cancer), your doctor may direct you to also take long-acting …
Health topics
… oximeter is a device that checks to see how much oxygen your blood is carrying. Usually a small clip is put on the … SpO2) shows on the display screen. Pulse oximeters are used in doctors' offices and hospitals. Your doctor may … your oxygen at different times. This can help you know when you need medical attention even if you don't have …
Health topics
… Flow Actionset Overview It's important to know how well your lungs are working. One way to do this is by checking your peak flow with a peak flow meter . Your peak flow can …
Health topics
… activity in winter Last updated December 1, 2016 Here are some things to keep in mind when you're being physically active in cooler weather. Warm up …
Health topics
… is an upset stomach. It causes nausea and vomiting. You may also have diarrhea or a fever. It is sometimes … into food while the food is growing, during processing, or when it is prepared. You may have become ill after eating meat or eggs that …
Medical tests
… Throat On this page: Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done Results Overview For a rapid strep test, … in 10 to 15 minutes. Why It Is Done It may be done so your doctor can find out right away whether you have strep … strep test result is negative. Abnormal An abnormal or positive strep test means that strep bacteria are present. …
Health topics
… swimming. But other people can get it too. What causes it? You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus grows in your ear canal. This … or dry skin. If you have had swimmer's ear in the past, you are more likely to get it again. What are the symptoms? …
… golimumab. Though it is very unlikely to happen, there is a risk (especially in children/teens/young adults) of developing cancer (such as lymphoma, skin cancer) due to this … To help you remember, mark your calendar to keep track of when to receive the next dose. Tell your doctor if your …
Health topics
… sperm or stops sperm from moving. For it to work well, you must use spermicide each time you have sexual … than not using any birth control. In the first year of use: When spermicide is used exactly as directed , 18 women out … works better. For example, when spermicide and a diaphragm are used exactly as directed , 6 women out of 100 have an …