6350 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… of colours, including bright blue, red, brown and green. You can find cyanobactoria in all kinds of bodies of water … and shorelines of fresh water lakes, streams and rivers. When the amount of cyanobacteria in a water body increases, … to water that is contaminated with cyanobacteria. The risk is particularly high for those who drink formula made …
… blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia) that may occur with cancer. Zoledronic acid is also used with cancer … as bisphosphonates. It lowers high blood calcium levels by reducing the amount of calcium released from your bones into … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do …
Health topics
… vein blood clot. After a while, this blood clot (usually in your leg), can damage the vein. Damage to the vein can lead … for years. PTS is also called postphlebitic syndrome. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome … as walking. For people who have severe symptoms and have a risk of serious problems, surgery or a catheter procedure …
… and your specific health needs. Warning Morphine has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and … treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose increase, or … is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Morphine belongs to a class of drugs known as …
Health topics
… I get the weight off.' It was more a realization that, 'You know, if I want to weigh 60 kilograms (130 pounds), then … my weight, and that it was worth it," she says. "People aren't going to change until they see a reason to do it and … food that "I don't feel good now if I don't eat right. And when I say 'right,' I mean 'healthy,'" she says. Maggie's …
Health topics
… like swimmer's ear and hot tub rash. But for people who are weak or ill, these germs can cause very serious—even … are more likely to get this infection. This is more common when someone is in the ICU. In hospitals, the bacteria can … there may be green-blue pus in or around the area. If you have swimmer's ear, your ear aches. If the infection …
… and your specific health needs. Warning Meperidine has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and … treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose increase, or … high-dosage treatment (such as sickle cell anemia, burns, cancer). Consult your doctor or pharmacist for details. This …
Health topics
… the airway and decreases the chance that it will collapse when you inhale. Other oral breathing devices supply electrical … Medicine Hasmeena Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine Current as of: November 7, 2022 …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview … different types of antibodies to help determine whether you were infected recently or sometime in the past. Why It … has been recent. EBV antibody testing is usually done when you have symptoms of infectious mononucleosis and a …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview A prostate … a microscope. The tissue samples taken are looked at for cancer cells. For a transrectal prostate biopsy, an … CT scans may also be used. A prostate biopsy may be done: When a blood test shows a high level of prostate-specific …