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6350 results found
Health topics
Your Hospital Stay: Your Room and Routine On this page: … done ahead of time, before you even get to the hospital. When you arrive The hospital or your doctor will let you … on it is correct. Your hospital room Most hospital rooms are "private" (one patient) or "semi-private" (two …
Health topics
… Is this topic for you? Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is most common in … You may have briefly felt the effects of low blood sugar when you've gotten really hungry or exercised hard without … Metabolic problems. Alcohol use. Stomach surgery. What are the symptoms? Symptoms can be different depending on how …
Health topics
… layers of skin, hair, or nails. Fungi (plural of fungus) are present everywhere in our environment. Ringworm of the … The skin often is itchy, and the rash can spread quickly. You can have both jock itch and athlete's foot (tinea pedis) … you should treat both to prevent reinfecting your groin when you put on your underwear. (Putting your socks on …
Health topics
… The three most common types of vaginitis and their causes are: Yeast infection. A healthy vagina normally contains a … or HIV infection. Bacterial vaginosis. This happens when some of the bacteria normally found in the vagina are … is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite. You get it by having sex with someone who has it. It is …
Health topics
… Plant Extract On this page: Treatment Overview Risks Treatment Overview Beta-sitosterol … problems urinating should see a doctor to rule out prostate cancer or other diseases. Prostate cancer is treatable, but treatment may be more successful when you find and treat the cancer as early as possible. The …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). To reduce your risk of side effects, your doctor may direct you to start … to determine the best way to take your dose, especially when changes to your dose are being considered or if your …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … to a class of drugs known as vasodilators. How To Use When you first start using this medication, it must be given … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview A viral test … , chickenpox, measles , influenza (flu), and some types of cancer. Viral tests may be done for viruses such as: Herpes … that may be present and the sample that will be tested. Your health professional will give you any specific …
… (immunosuppression). This may increase your risk of developing an infection or certain types of cancer (such as skin cancer, lymphoma). To reduce the risk … first. Use only non-plastic cups, spoons, or oral syringes when preparing or taking a dose. Do not sprinkle the …
Health topics
… Physical activity increases the amount of energy (calories) you burn. Most weight-loss programs incorporate an exercise … for the day. Examples of aerobic exercise include: Brisk walking, jogging, walking on a treadmill, or riding a … change the channels instead of using the remote control. When you choose an exercise program or physical activity, …