6350 results found
Health topics
… antacids for mild or occasional heartburn. Antacids are substances that neutralize some of the stomach acid. … may reduce the amount of acid that comes in contact with your esophagus. Examples of non-prescription antacids … include: Rolaids. Mylanta. Gaviscon. Tums. Be careful when you take over-the-counter antacid medicines. Many of …
Health topics
… Overview Food packaging labels provide information about when to use the food and how to store it. Reading food … and following safety instructions will greatly reduce your chance of becoming ill with food poisoning . The following guidelines are included on a packaging label. Sell by: This tells the …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Painful knee arthritis can keep you from being as active as you need to be. You may not walk as much. You may avoid going up and down stairs. But when you don't move that knee as much, the ligaments, … your exact problem and your needs. The goals can include reducing your pain and swelling and increasing your …
Health topics
… Down Syndrome: Training and Therapy for Young People On this page: Overview … speech (receptive language) much better than they are able to speak (expressive language). Structural … a nutritious diet plan and offer helpful ideas for feeding your child. Vocational training . This usually is provided …
Health topics
… an interruption in pain signals and reduce pain in that area. Nerve ablation can be done in different ways. For … ablation, cryoablation, neurotomy, or rhizotomy. Your doctor will first identify the nerve or nerves that are sending pain signals to your brain. You will have a test that uses a nerve block , …
Health topics
… Overview General anesthesia uses medicines that make you unconscious. It affects your whole body. When it's used, you will be unaware. You won't feel pain … the medicines as needed to keep you safe and comfortable. Risks Major side effects are not common. But all types of …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview The … This protein measures general levels of inflammation in your body. The hs-CRP can be used to find the risk for heart … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Health topics
… page: Independence Stage Coupling Stage Parenting: Babies Through Adolescents Empty Nest: Launching … a family life cycle? The emotional and intellectual stages you pass through from childhood to your retirement years as … new aspects of independence throughout your lifetime. Even when you have moved on to another stage of life, such as …
Health topics
… medicines can affect the menstrual cycle. A few examples are: Aspirin and other medicines (called blood thinners) … IUD (Mirena). Hormone therapy. Medicines used to treat cancer (chemotherapy). Thyroid medicines. If you are having changes in menstrual bleeding that you think …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Synovectomy surgery removes the … (synovium) that is causing unacceptable pain or is limiting your ability to function or your range of motion. Ligaments … after surgery, a physiotherapist will teach you how and when to move the joint. What happens during recovery depends …