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Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Choosing shoes when you have diabetes When you have diabetes, it's important to wear shoes that fit well and protect your feet. Here are some tips for choosing shoes. Choose shoes that fit …
Health topics
… Why is it important to get enough calcium and vitamin D? Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps … as citrate or carbonate. Calcium carbonate is best absorbed when it is taken with food. Calcium citrate can be absorbed … in Canada is cholecalciferol (D3). Are there any risks from taking calcium and vitamin D? It is possible to …
Health topics
… system includes the nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat. When you have an upper respiratory infection, you may feel … an antibiotic when you don't need one exposes you to the risks of an allergic reaction and antibiotic side effects. … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer …
Health topics
… ligament. The MCL is a band of tissue on the inside of your knee. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your … For example, the MCL can be injured in football or soccer when the outside of the knee is hit. This type of injury can … lots of stop-and-go movements, jumping, or weaving. What are the symptoms? You may have swelling, pain, and …
Health topics
… Heart Failure: Watching Your Fluids Actionset Overview With heart failure, having … body's sodium level. Common questions about limiting fluids When you have heart failure, you may have some questions about limiting fluids. Here are answers to some of the more common ones. Does everyone …
Health topics
… there may be no other visible signs of a brain injury. You don't have to pass out (lose consciousness) to have a … to your regular activities. If your symptoms come back when you are doing an activity, stop and rest for a day. … sport. Being active again too soon increases the person's risk of having a more serious brain injury. Be sure to see a …
Health topics
… What are the most common skin conditions in newborns? It's very … own in a few days or weeks. Here are some of the things you may notice about your baby's skin. It looks like … Sometimes dark spots may last for a few weeks or months. When cold, your newborn may get a blotchy, lacy rash …
Health topics
… of the skin and on the hair. They grow best in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms and swimming pools, and in skin folds. Ringworm is contagious. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that …
Health topics
… Information What is leukemia? Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells. It starts in the bone marrow, the … to all parts of your body. Platelets help your blood clot. When you have leukemia, the bone marrow starts to make a lot … and in a person's genes. Some things may increase the risk, such as having certain genetic conditions or being …
HealthLinkBC files
… A vaccine is provided free to Indigenous children and youth 6 months to 18 years of age. The vaccine is also provided free to people at high risk of infection or severe illness, including those who: … is the best way to protect against hepatitis A infection. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well. …