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Health topics
… It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Scleral buckling surgery … vision after surgery is still possible but less likely. Risks Scleral buckling poses some short-term and long-term risks. Most of these complications do not happen very often. …
Health topics
… save time in the kitchen and still eat delicious, healthy food. It's just a matter of having the right foods on hand and learning how to take shortcuts in the … with quick and easy meal ingredients Keeping commonly used foods in your kitchen can help you pull together a quick …
… How To Use Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor. Do not increase your dose … Your condition will not improve any faster, and your risk of side effects will increase. If you are using the … so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Tell your doctor if your condition …
… so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Swallow the tablets whole. For … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects. This document does not …
Health topics
… 1 This pain relief doesn't last very long. What are the risks of epidural steroid shots? Some people are dizzy or … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Try epidural steroid shots Try … You avoid the cost of epidural steroid shots. You avoid the risks of epidural steroid shots. There are no risks to …
Health topics
… concerns with your child, such as: Tips to add healthy foods and exercise into a daily routine. Safe driving. Your … prevention of sexually transmitted infections , and the risks of experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Depression . … prevention of sexually transmitted infections , and the risks of experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Depression . …
Health features
… will get better on their own without any treatment. The risk of severe illness is low for most British Columbians. … see our B.C. Immunization Schedules web page Eat healthy foods and be physically active to help keep your immune …
Health topics
… for help from others, so you can get as much sleep, healthy food, exercise, and overall support as possible. Talk to … after childbirth is important. If you have an increased risk for developing postpartum depression, follow up with … after childbirth is important. If you have an increased risk for developing postpartum depression, follow up with …
Health topics
… eating. It may dull your senses, and you might not chew food properly or might try to swallow too large a portion of food. Take small bites. Cut meat into small pieces. Chew your food thoroughly. Do not give popcorn, nuts, or hard candy to …
… fatal) infection or make any infection you have worse. Your risk may be increased if you are also taking other drugs … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … the immune system (such as tocilizumab) may increase your risk of certain cancers. Tell your doctor if you have ever …