6411 results found
Health topics
… One runs along each side of the neck. They supply blood to your brain. When plaque builds up in either one, it can limit blood flow to your brain. The plaque also raises your risk of stroke. This … your neck just below the jaw. Opens the carotid artery and carefully removes the plaque. May sew (graft) a man-made or …
Health topics
… do not know who will get it and who will not. Neither your fitness level nor being male or female plays a role in … sickness can be dangerous. It is smart to take special care if you go high-altitude hiking or camping (like in the … "thinner" at high altitudes. When you go too high too fast, your body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. So you need …
Health topics
… Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or loss of movement in your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one side of your body. Sudden vision changes. Sudden trouble speaking. … improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. …
Health topics
… cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can help you stabilize your knee and return to activity. You may have: … . For an autograft, the surgeon uses tendon tissue from your own body. This can be done safely. Often, part of the … You should soon start seeing improvement in your knee. To care for your incision while it heals, you need to keep it …
Health topics
… darker area around it (areola) are created at a later time. Your breasts will look different after surgery. Your new breast may be more firm, round, or flat than your … the flap to blood vessels in the chest area. This requires careful surgery by a surgeon who does microsurgery. Here are …
Health topics
… factors that is not well understood. If someone in your family has clubfoot, then it is more likely to occur in your infant. If your family has one child with clubfoot, the … have another health problem. Cast Care Tips Physiotherapy Citations Staheli LT …
Health topics
… they should ease during the first 6 weeks. Why It Is Used Your doctor may recommend TURP if symptoms caused by benign … compared to a monopolar resectoscope. You may want to ask your doctor which kind of tool he or she uses. Surgery … of life. Men with only mild symptoms may want to think carefully before deciding to have surgery to treat BPH. …
Health topics
… ablation is done in a hospital where the person can be carefully monitored. The procedure is done with an … a small lump around the site where the catheters went into your body. You can do light activities at home. Don't do anything strenuous until your doctor says it is okay. This may be for several days. …
Health topics
… who has smallpox. And if you have symptoms, seek medical care. The telltale signs of smallpox are severe illness with … outbreak and you think you might have been exposed, call your doctor or local health unit. Do not go directly to a … on the face and upper arms, and then it spreads all over your body. Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, the flat, red spots …
Medical tests
… It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Your esophagus is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. It moves food and liquid down … foods. You will not be able to take a bath, except for a careful sponge bath, or do anything else that might get the …