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6411 results found
Health topics
… Here are some ideas on how to cope. Be open about your feelings. Try not to bottle up your feelings. Let your partner know if you're scared, sad, or frustrated. Help them understand what you …
Health topics
… High blood sugar occurs when the sugar (glucose) level in your blood rises above your target range. It can happen if: You miss a dose of your type 2 diabetes medicine or a required dose of insulin. …
Health topics
… Getting back to work with back pain depends on what your day is usually like. But there are some basics that apply to everyone. Moving keeps your back muscles strong, which can help your back. And avoiding activity for more than a day or two …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your doctor thinks you might have a heart rhythm problem, your doctor may ask you to keep a diary of symptoms. This information can help your doctor find out what type of rhythm problem you have. …
Health topics
… relieve stress. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on the things that are happening right now in … you can lie down, if that is more comfortable for you. If your mind wanders, don't worry or judge yourself. When you become aware that your thoughts are …
Health topics
… activities. If you have heart failure , you may find that your symptoms make it difficult to do things like cook, … limitations in various ways. For example, you can rearrange your kitchen to make cooking easier or put a stool in your shower so that you can sit down. You can also get help …
Medical tests
… Overview A dilated eye examination lets your eye doctor see the back of your eye ( retina ). It's usually done as part of a regular … for glaucoma. How is a dilated eye examination done? Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your family has glaucoma. …
Health topics
… there are things you can do to separate those two areas of your life. You can work from home, feel productive, and … have a balanced life by creating a work schedule that fits your lifestyle. Here are some ideas that may help. Schedule … to spend commuting could be used as a transition to start your day. Get some fresh air, exercise, do some stretching, …
Health topics
… Overview Slouching puts stress on your lower back. Slumping or slouching on its own may not … bad posture can make pain worse. When you sit, keep your shoulders back and down, chin back, belly in, and your lower back supported. Your spine should be in the …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor before you take any prescription or … breastfeeding. That's because some medicines can affect your breast milk. Many medicines are safe to use when you … pseudoephedrine (such as Sudafed). But these can reduce your milk supply and make your baby irritable. Experts …