1748 results found
Health topics
… sugar often. This will help you figure out how medicine, exercise, and food affect your blood sugar. Get regular exercise. Aim for 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous exercise each week. Exercise helps control your blood sugar. …
Health topics
… to improve your speech. He or she may provide: Breathing exercises to improve voice volume. Speech exercises to make your sounds clear and precise. Tips to help make your speech rate more regular. Exercises to practice pitch changes when you speak. Related …
Health topics
… environment by gradually increasing the amount of time you exercise in the heat each day. Do this over 8 to 14 days. Adults usually need daily exercise periods that last 1 to 2 hours to become … environment by gradually increasing the amount of time you exercise in the heat each day. Do this over 8 to 14 days. …
Health topics
… role in managing a health condition. Plantar Fasciitis: Exercises to Relieve Pain Cause Plantar fasciitis is caused … Pain after you stand for long periods. Pain at the start of exercise. It gets better or goes away as exercise continues, but it comes back when exercise is done. …
Health topics
… to do physical activity at the right level of effort (exercise intensity). The recommended range of exercise intensity for improving health-related physical … heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most improvement in aerobic …
Medical tests
… the arm while a person is at rest. Some people also do an exercise test. In this case, the blood pressure measurements … arterial disease (PAD). A slight drop in your ABI with exercise means that you probably have PAD. This drop may be … well a treatment is working (such as medical treatment, an exercise program, angioplasty, or surgery). Results The ABI …
Health topics
… for that activity. Replace your shoes often if you exercise regularly. When shopping for shoes: Try on shoes at … the larger foot. You don't need to buy special clothing to exercise, as long as you are as comfortable as possible. … Romito MD - Family Medicine Heather Chambliss PhD - Exercise Science Current as of: October 10, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… symptoms, like palpitations, when you have sex or when you exercise. Talk honestly with your partner about your … have an active sex life. If your doctor says that you can exercise and be active, then it's probably safe for you to … have an active sex life. If your doctor says that you can exercise and be active, then it's probably safe for you to …
Health topics
… food, your body makes vitamin D in response to sunlight. Exercise is important for having strong bones, because bone forms in response to stress. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, hiking, and dancing are all good choices. Adding exercise with light weights or elastic bands can help the …
Health topics
… and specific types of workouts, like yoga or Pilates (an exercise method designed to improve flexibility and … Do I need special equipment? Some activities require exercise accessories, like dumbbells, exercise bands, a mat or a step. Is it highly rated? Check …