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1185 results found
Health topics
… right before the injury. But other people won't. With rest, most people fully recover from a concussion. Some … can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. If you notice any symptoms of a concussion, contact your doctor. … or having more temper tantrums. A sad mood. Lack of interest in their usual activities or favourite toys. Loss of …
Health topics
… and soccer Hiking with a backpack Mountain biking Ice skating quickly (more than 9 mph) Snowshoeing and … enjoyed, coaching or giving instructions can renew your interest. Youth leagues for organized sports are often seeking … of a new course or event and then preparing for it can restore the excitement and challenge that's gone from more …
HealthLinkBC files
… as bottled water if your community is on a ‘boil water’ notice. This may be because: The water does not have adequate … immune system. Boil water for at least 1 minute. At elevations over 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) boil water for at … and let stand for 30 minutes before drinking. You should notice a slight chlorine smell after the 30 minutes. If not, …
Health topics
… or fulminant (very severe), which may guide treatment choices. People who have mild ulcerative colitis may have: … colitis may have: More than four stools a day. Mild elevation in ESR. People who have severe ulcerative colitis … Kornbluth A, Sachar DB (2010). Ulcerative colitis practice guidelines in adults: American College of …
Health topics
… wheat, or cracked wheat as the first ingredients. Eat brown rice, bulgur, or millet. Choose these instead of white rice. Eat several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a …
Health topics
… Keep the itchy area cool and moist. Put cloths soaked in ice water on the rash a few times a day. Too much wetting … detergent. Try using ones like CheerFree or Ecover. Rinse twice to remove all traces of the soap. Don't use strong … detergent such as Cheer Free and Gentle or Ecover. Rinse twice to remove all traces of the cleaning product. Avoid …
Health topics
… way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … begin soon after symptoms start. This treatment includes: Rest. Ice. If ice has not helped after trying it for 2 or 3 … treatment Try other treatment Treatment at home includes rest, ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, stretching exercises, …
Health topics
… both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … breath, chest pain or tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms (runny, … new yellow tint to the skin or the whites of the eyes (jaundice). Muscle or joint pain that lasts a long time. Belly …
Health topics
… throughout your hand and wrist. Take breaks often, and rest your hands. Switch hands and change positions often … usually worse in one hand than the other. You may first notice symptoms at night. People with carpal tunnel syndrome … or hand, try the following steps to reduce inflammation . Rest your fingers, hand, and wrist. Stop activities if they …
Health topics
… both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing …