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1185 results found
Health topics
… with milk. This can cause discomfort and swelling. Placing ice packs on your breasts, taking a hot shower, or using … others, eating well and drinking plenty of fluids, getting rest whenever you can, limiting visitors, getting some time … in new ways, as parents. It is common to have little interest in sex for a while after childbirth. During the time …
Health topics
… talk with your healthcare provider. Increased fatigue Rest often and listen to your body Ask someone to help with … and straining Do pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises Rest and sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. … of time – change positions or walk around For relief, apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the affected area Heartburn Eat …
Health topics
… Aspirin for Pain, Fever, and Inflammation Assistive Devices and Orthotics Assistive Devices for People With … Pain Rehabilitation Programs for Multiple Sclerosis Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) Restless Legs Syndrome …
Health topics
… or sat in the same position for a long time, you might notice swelling in your feet and ankles . Staying in one … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing … Eating: Eating Less Sodium Overuse Injuries Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) Preparing For Your …
Health topics
… may include pain when you move your toe. You may have noticed a snap or pop at the time of injury. There may be … cared for at home. Try using ice, elevating the foot, and resting. Treatment depends on which toe is broken, where in … toe may need to be buddy-taped for 2 to 4 weeks to heal. Rest and protect your toe. Do not walk on it until you can …
Health topics
… you can try to get up and out of bed often. You might wear compression stockings. You may try leg exercises that can … When to Call a Doctor Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services if you have pulmonary embolism symptoms, including: … You may take them for a much longer time, maybe even the rest of your life. The length of time will be based on your …
Health topics
… do cold and heat therapies. For example, you might use an ice pack for cold therapy or an electric heating pad for … Here are some types of cold therapy. If you use an ice towel, ice pack, or cold pack, put a thin cloth between … cloth bags filled with gel or with grains, such as wheat or rice. You can make a grain-filled pack at home. Put a thin …
Health topics
… or when the ligament and part of the bone separate from the rest of the bone. Without treatment, the injured ACL is less … includes using first aid right away. For example, put ice on the knee, prop up the leg, and use over-the-counter … such as if the muscles in the front of your thigh (quadriceps) are stronger than the muscles at the back of your …
Health topics
… way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … bother you too much, you may wait to see if it heals with rest. You may not need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or … choices are: Non-surgical treatment with rest, ice, compression, elevation, and physiotherapy. You may wear a …
Health topics
… hand, or wrist injury is higher in contact sports, such as wrestling, football, or soccer. The risk is also higher in … both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … 3 or more times a day. Wrap the injured or sore area. Compression, or wrapping the area with an elastic bandage …