1185 results found
Health topics
… Discomfort after surgery may be relieved by: Applying ice to the surgical site several times a day, as directed. Always keep a cloth between your skin and the ice pack. Taking pain medicines as prescribed. Immobilizing … Orthopedic Trauma This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… you. Keep sugar-free drinks and drinks with sugar in an ice cooler. If needed, store your insulin in the cooler so … more constant temperature. Don't let the insulin touch the ice. Keep your blood sugar meter at room temperature. Don't … When you get ready to go through security, tell the officer that you have diabetes and are carrying diabetes …
Health topics
… severe. These may be symptoms of another problem, such as restless legs syndrome. How can you care for yourself? You … pad placed on the muscle can also help. Try using an ice or cold pack. Always keep a cloth between your skin and … may prescribe different medicines. Restless Legs Syndrome Current as of: November 9, …
Health topics
… for moving around and talking. A face mask may be a good choice if you need a higher flow of oxygen. But a face mask is … Avoid touching frost that can form on liquid oxygen devices. Frost can cause skin burns. Oxygen is usually … Sleep Medicine This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… the tube reaches the narrowed mitral valve, a balloon device located on the tip of the catheter is quickly inflated. … normally and allows blood to leak backward in the heart. Restenosis. The valve can become narrow again. You may … normally and allows blood to leak backward in the heart. Restenosis. The valve can become narrow again. You may …
Health topics
… uncomfortable when you are moving and lessen when you are resting. Contractions do not decrease when you're resting, but continue regardless of what you are doing. The … is like getting ready for a marathon. If you have practiced comfort positions and breathing and relaxation …
Health topics
… rugby, karate, judo, gymnastics, football, baseball, ice or field hockey, soccer, wrestling, boxing, water polo, lacrosse, and basketball. A … football, baseball, ice or field hockey, soccer, wrestling, boxing, water polo, lacrosse, and basketball. A …
Health topics
… With pacing, you plan your activities so that you can rest when you need to. No matter what kind of activity you are doing—physical, mental, social—you stop to rest. Have a plan for how long you will do the activity … By: HealthLink BC This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… Mites. Mosquitoes. Non-poisonous spiders. Ticks. Scabies. Lice. Some insects are more likely than others to cause … alert or able to think clearly. You may be confused, restless, fearful, or unable to respond to questions. Shock … alert or able to think clearly. You may be confused, restless, fearful, or unable to respond to questions. Shock …
Health topics
… It is done under local anesthesia in a surgeon's office or a same-day surgery centre. The operation on one eye … must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office the next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will … to moderate nearsightedness (myopia). Almost everyone notices improvements in their vision. But not everyone gets …