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1185 results found
… for you. This information is not individual medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health … changes (such as hallucinations, nervousness, irritability, restlessness, confusion) unusual/uncontrolled movements … If you overheat, quickly look for a place to cool down and rest. Get medical help right away if you have a fever that …
Health topics
… Pain that isn't managed can make fatigue worse. Get extra rest during treatment. Fatigue is often worse at the end of … or just after treatment is finished. Manage your energy. Notice what time of day you have the most energy. Fatigue … mean using a bedside commode or a walker. Switch between rest and physical activity. Walking and swimming are good …
Health topics
… growing belly place more strain on your back, you may notice your posture changing. To protect your back from poor … and hips generally in a straight line. When standing, rest one foot on a small box, brick, or stool. Try not to … flat or high-heeled shoes. A pregnancy support belt that rests under your abdomen can also help take the strain off …
Health topics
… may interfere with sexual arousal and performance. Stop and rest if you have any angina symptoms. Call 9-1-1 if your symptoms do not go away with rest or are not getting better within 5 minutes after you … on how to resume sex. And you may get support or advice on how to relieve anxiety, worry, or fear about sex. You …
Health topics
… had enough milk. Don’t rush though – your baby may just be resting and not yet finished. After burping, offer the other … Women’s Milk Bank website at . Learn together … successful breastfeeding. Make it a priority to get enough rest and sleep, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious …
Health topics
… may feel your baby have hiccups now and then throughout the rest of your pregnancy. Kicks, twists, and turns. As your … your baby may start to kick and stretch. And you may notice that your baby does less turning and twisting and more … you are active, you may feel less movement than when you're resting quietly. Believe it or not, babies find the activity …
Health topics
… Often a Baker's cyst causes no pain. You may not notice symptoms unless the cyst becomes very large or it … removed by surgery. How can you care for yourself at home? Rest your knee as much as possible. Ask your doctor if you … device if you need help to get around. These can help rest your knees. If you have an elastic bandage, make sure …
Health topics
… problems often improve over time, but some may last for the rest of your life. How do you manage eating problems? If you … may help someone eat and swallow safely. Eat when you are rested and at your best. If you become tired with larger … Remember to brush your teeth, tongue, gums, and cheeks twice a day, even if you wear dentures. …
Health topics
… (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier to gain weight. … you lose muscle as well as fat. Muscle increases your resting metabolic rate, so losing too much muscle reduces … Diabetes Educator This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… for breastfeeding by sitting in a comfortable chair with armrests. Use as many pillows as you need to support your arms … don't have to hunch. You may also want a glass of water, juice or milk on a table beside you. Some people include this … you - baby's tummy to your tummy. Your baby's head will be resting on your forearm and his back along your arm. Use …