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1185 results found
Health topics
… taking over-the-counter pain medicines, using heat or ice, and doing suggested exercises. Some people take part in … are symptoms of a specific and severe type of nerve root compression called cauda equina syndrome . This is a rare … in the urine. You have back pain that is worse when you are resting than when you are active. You notice a gradual …
Health topics
… for a knee problem or injury may include first aid, rest, bracing, physiotherapy, and medicine. In some cases, … both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … 20 minutes, 3 or more times a day. Wrap the affected area. Compression, or wrapping the area with an elastic bandage …
Health topics
… that form along joints) caused by arthritis , or nerve root compression ( pinched nerve ) caused by injury. In rare … heat wraps that last up to 8 hours. You can also try an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. There is not strong evidence that either heat or ice will help, but you can try them to see if they help you. …
Health topics
… broken nose treated? Immediately after the fracture, apply ice and keep your head elevated. You may need pain medicine, … doctor if you can take an over-the-counter medicine. Put ice or a cold pack on your nose for 10 to 20 minutes at a … until the swelling goes down. Put a thin cloth between the ice pack and your skin. Sleep with your head slightly raised …
Health topics
… If you take medicines regularly, ask your doctor for advice about hot-weather activity and your risk of getting a … treatment for more than 4 hours? Home treatment includes resting, staying out of the heat and sun, using cool … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing …
Health topics
… or make other symptoms worse. Other therapies like heat, ice, and massage. Your therapist also may use other … Orthopedic Trauma This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any … or make other symptoms worse. Other therapies like heat, ice, and massage. Your therapist also may use other …
HealthLinkBC files
… Your child can eat many of the same foods enjoyed by the rest of the family. Provide a variety of foods that: Are … pieces or strips Low-salt cottage cheese, apple sauce, rice puffs Oatmeal with chia and hemp seeds, and mashed …
Health topics
… Stretch your toes and calves several times a day. Put ice on your heel to reduce pain and swelling. Health Tools … also have: Stiffness and pain in the morning or after you rest. It gets better after a few steps but gets worse as the … getter better after a week, even though you have tried rest, ice, over-the-counter pain medicine (such as ibuprofen …
Healthy eating
… that you are not too hungry when you arrive at a party or restaurant. The following tips will help you to prepare … the oil in half and using a variety of herbs, lemon juice, wine/balsamic vinegar or chicken broth. For creamy … of using fat. To increase the fibre content, use brown rice, wild rice, or 100% whole wheat bread. Bake in a …
Health topics
… tendon in the elbow to heal. Treatment usually starts with rest, using ice and anti-inflammatory medicines, and trying a … people get better using these treatments. If a few weeks of rest and rehab have not relieved pain, some people get …