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634 results found
Medical tests
… are at risk for bleeding, you may be given blood clotting factors before the biopsy. Skin numbness at the biopsy site. … are at risk for bleeding, you may be given blood clotting factors before the biopsy. Skin numbness at the biopsy site. …
Health topics
… artery disease. footnote 1 , footnote 2 If you have risk factors, signs, or symptoms of carotid artery disease, your … artery disease. footnote 1 , footnote 2 If you have risk factors, signs, or symptoms of carotid artery disease, your …
Health topics
… is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors that is not well understood. If someone in your … is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors that is not well understood. If someone in your …
Health topics
… decision. Your feelings are as important as any other factor. No one else can tell you what's right for you. But … decision. Your feelings are as important as any other factor. No one else can tell you what's right for you. But …
Health topics
… a rare disorder and is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your chances for developing emphysema. … a rare disorder and is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your chances for developing emphysema. …
Health topics
… your chances of getting testicular cancer. These risk factors include: An undescended testicle . This is a … people who get testicular cancer don't have any known risk factors. Symptoms What are the symptoms of testicular … your chances of getting testicular cancer. These risk factors include: An undescended testicle . This is a …
Health topics
… Ischemic Attack (TIA) What Increases Your Risk A risk factor is anything that makes you more likely to have a particular health problem. Risk factors for stroke that you can manage or change include: … or using birth control options with estrogen. Risk factors you can't change include: Having a previous stroke. …
Health topics
… fluid. How is it diagnosed? Depending on your age and risk factors, the doctor may recommend that you have a mammogram … From Chemotherapy What Increases Your Risk The top risk factors for breast cancer are: Aging. Your risk increases as … Examinations and Tests Depending on your age and risk factors, the doctor may recommend that you have a mammogram …
… certain laboratory tests (including prothrombin time/INR, factor Xa levels), possibly causing false test results. Make … certain laboratory tests (including prothrombin time/INR, factor Xa levels), possibly causing false test results. Make …
… the infection. Cold sore outbreaks can be caused by many factors such as stress, hormonal changes (such as pregnancy, … the infection. Cold sore outbreaks can be caused by many factors such as stress, hormonal changes (such as pregnancy, …