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HealthLinkBC files
… droppings, urine, saliva, or nesting materials are disturbed, sending virus particles into the air where they can be … this happening are extremely low. Rodent infestation in and around the home remains the main risk for contact with … or saliva. You can do this by controlling rodents in and around the home. Keep mice out of your home and learn how to …
HealthLinkBC files
… sippy cup filled with milk, juice or formula (especially at bedtime) Not brushing your child’s teeth daily Not using … of passing cavity-causing bacteria to your baby by: Avoid sharing toothbrushes Avoid licking soothers to clean them … you would at any other time. If you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s fever or diarrhea, call 8-1-1 to …
Health topics
… get better. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. Raise your bed if you have GERD symptoms at night. Put the frame on … reduce pressure on your stomach. Don't wear tight clothing around your middle. Lose weight if you need to. Losing just … reduce pressure on your stomach. Don't wear tight clothing around your middle. Lose weight if you need to. Losing just …
Health topics
… in the palm, so no cuts are made in the palm. What are the risks from surgery for Dupuytren's disease? Complications … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Have surgery for Dupuytren's disease … my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Sclerotherapy uses an … to 30 out of 100 people who have the procedure. footnote 1 Risks The risks of sclerotherapy include: Skin colour … were treated. Scarring from ulcers or death of the tissue around the treated vein (skin or fat necrosis). This can …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Electrical nerve stimulation is a … This is caused by the body getting used to the treatment. Risks Possible risks related to electrical nerve stimulation include: Scar tissue (fibrosis) developing around the electrode. The leads that carry the electrical …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview A testicular … your testicle is cleaned with a sterile solution. The area around it is covered with sterile cloth. Your doctor will … is given. Other than that, you should feel no pain. Risks There is a small risk of bleeding that lasts for a …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Transcatheter aortic … treatment, doctors don't yet know the long-term benefits or risks. They also don't know how long the valves will last. … catheter in the heart. Serious bleeding problems. Leaking around the valve. Heart attack. Stroke. Death. …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview A biliopancreatic … where many minerals and vitamins are most easily absorbed. Because of this, you may not get enough iron, calcium, … activity, and lifestyle. Talk with your doctor if you have concerns or questions. Think of bariatric surgery as a tool …
Health topics
… these movements, they interfere with normal sleep cycles. A bed partner's sleep may also be disrupted. How is it … a medical history, often including a sleep history from a bed partner, and a physical examination. A sleep study is … these movements, they interfere with normal sleep cycles. A bed partner's sleep may also be disrupted. How is it …