4719 results found
Medical tests
… down one of your legs. Risks A spinal tap is generally a safe procedure. In some cases, a leak of cerebrospinal fluid … scan may be done before the spinal tap to know that it is safe to do the puncture. Results Many different tests can be … puncture itself will show more red blood cells in the first sample collected than in later samples. Cloudy CSF may …
Health topics
… you quit smoking before you become pregnant (or during the first 3 months of pregnancy), your risk of having a baby … a cigarette. Think of ways to cut down on stress in the first few weeks of quitting. Keep trying to quit if you … you quit smoking before you become pregnant (or during the first 3 months of pregnancy), your risk of having a baby …
Health topics
… pulmonary hypertension. What are the symptoms? At first, you may not notice any problems. But in time, you may … you start a new activity. Your doctor can help you choose a safe type and level of activity. Even if you can only do a … doctor if you need another dose. Get the flu vaccine every year. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Wash your …
Health topics
… Get the facts Your options Take medicines after your first attack of multiple sclerosis or as soon as you are … 100 45 to 58 out of 100 Need for hospitalization within 2 years 12 out of 100 20 out of 100 *Based on the best … that look at how well treatments and tests work and how safe they are. For many reasons, some studies are more …
Health topics
… has allergies. In most cases of persistent asthma, the first symptoms (such as wheezing ) start in the first years of life. One study notes that about 25 out of 100 …
Health topics
… trap intestinal gas while lying on their backs. Until the first birthday, babies should always sleep on their backs to … trap intestinal gas while lying on their backs. Until the first birthday, babies should always sleep on their backs to …
… This information does not assure that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is … for priming the inhaler if you are using a canister for the first time or if you have not used it for 10 days or more. … be construed to indicate that use of a particular drug is safe, appropriate or effective for you or anyone else. A …
… This information does not assure that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is … it more frequently, or stop using this medication without first consulting your doctor. Learn which of your … be construed to indicate that use of a particular drug is safe, appropriate or effective for you or anyone else. A …
Health topics
… the late second trimester and entire third trimester). How safe is abortion? Medical and surgical abortions are generally very safe. Both are low-risk options. The risk may be less if the … include: Irregular bleeding or spotting for as long as the first few weeks. Cramping for up to a few weeks. Nausea and …
Health topics
… Your body has been carefully designed to deliver your baby safely, and most births go smoothly, without any medical …