4719 results found
Health features
… Make a plan and make sure someone can call 9-1-1 at the first sign of distress Use sterile syringes and inject … roughly 50 to 100 times more toxic than morphine. In recent years there have been reports that fentanyl produced in … Overdose prevention and supervised consumption sites are safe locations where people can use illegal drugs under …
Health topics
… If you do not have your blood sugar meter with you, play it safe and treat your low blood sugar symptoms anyway. To … Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic Neuropathy: Exercising Safely Diabetic Retinopathy How Diabetes Causes Blindness … information and resources from your health authority, see: First Nations Health Authority: Chronic Condition Prevention …
Health features
… to school For information about how to help your child stay safe and learn healthy lifestyle habits this school year, visit our Back to school health feature. Find … you help protect others as well. Vaccines are very safe for you and your family. It is much safer to get a …
Health topics
… very tired. The symptoms usually are the worst for the first 3 or 4 days. In most healthy people, the flu will go … with thicker mucus . You can catch a cold at any time of year, but they are more common in late winter and early … very tired. The symptoms usually are the worst for the first 3 or 4 days. In most healthy people, the flu will go …
Health topics
… and be replaced. So you lose more hair than usual in the first year after childbirth. Pregnancy … and be replaced. So you lose more hair than usual in the first year after childbirth. Pregnancy …
Medical tests
… stress scan is done in two parts. In many hospitals, the first images are taken while the person is at rest. Then a … may be stopped. Risks Cardiac perfusion scans are usually safe. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small … may be stopped. Risks Cardiac perfusion scans are usually safe. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small …
Health topics
… pregnancy. This procedure is most often done early in the first trimester or early in the second trimester. It can be … pregnancy. This procedure is most often done early in the first trimester or early in the second trimester. It can be … pregnancy. This procedure is most often done early in the first trimester or early in the second trimester. It can be …
Health topics
… need to see your cardiologist regularly, such as once a year. Prevent endocarditis. You may have a higher risk of an … doctor to make an exercise program that is enjoyable and safe for you. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle. Eat … doctor to make an exercise program that is enjoyable and safe for you. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle. Eat …
Health topics
… month (ovulation). The implant prevents pregnancy for 3 years. In some cases it can be used longer. footnote 1 Talk … don't have to worry about birth control for this time. It's safe to use while breastfeeding. The implant doesn't contain … don't have to worry about birth control for this time. It's safe to use while breastfeeding. The implant doesn't contain …
Medical tests
… immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is usually the first one used to detect infection with HIV. If antibodies … test has a low chance of having a false result after the first few weeks that a person is infected. Polymerase chain … immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is usually the first one used to detect infection with HIV. If antibodies …