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6261 results found
Health topics
… as a way to engage others. By 4 months, most babies: Start using their arms with purpose. For example, babies may move … as a way to engage others. By 4 months, most babies: Start using their arms with purpose. For example, babies may move …
Health topics
… to a few weeks. Nausea and vomiting for 4 to 6 hours after using abortion pills. Fever for up to 4 hours after using abortion pills. Follow your doctor's instructions on … to a few weeks. Nausea and vomiting for 4 to 6 hours after using abortion pills. Fever for up to 4 hours after using
Health topics
… your nipple. Support and narrow your breast with one hand using a "U hold," with your thumb on the outer side of your … the right breast pump for you, and know how to store milk safely. These will help set you and your baby up for … thing to fresh breast milk. But you'll need to know how to safely prepare breast milk for storage and how long you can …
Health topics
… the mites continue to reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies … the mites continue to reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies …
Health topics
Health topics
… Tightening of the smooth muscles in the bronchial tubes, causing the airways to become smaller. This reduces airflow in … If exercise is a trigger for you, ask your doctor about using a quick-relief medicine before you exercise. Stay … If a cleaning product seems to trigger your asthma, stop using it. Or use another product that doesn't cause …
Health topics
… your pain or illness improves, your doctor can slowly and safely lower your dose of pain medicine until you don't need … your pain or illness improves, your doctor can slowly and safely lower your dose of pain medicine until you don't need …
… Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using this medication and each time you get a refill. Learn … the capsules. Inhale the contents of the capsule by mouth using the inhaler device as directed by your doctor, usually … to inhale quickly and deeply through the mouthpiece when using this drug. You should hear the inhaler make a whirring …