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6261 results found
Health topics
… disrupt activity Do you think that a medicine could be causing the symptoms? Think about whether the symptoms started … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… blood sugar gets too high or too low. Yes Diabetes may be causing seizure No Diabetes may be causing seizure Do you have … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… vision, which is the best possible vision you can have using glasses or contact lenses. Because laser surgery for … vision, which is the best possible vision you can have using glasses or contact lenses. Serious but rare problems … vision, which is the best possible vision you can have using glasses or contact lenses. Because laser surgery for …
Health topics
… Postpartum Depression Depression: Taking Antidepressants Safely What Increases Your Risk A risk factor is anything … levels. This helps make sure a thyroid problem isn't causing any depression symptoms. Ask your doctor and family … Complementary Medicine Depression: Taking Antidepressants Safely Tips for Finding a Counsellor or Therapist Self-Care …
Health topics
… have heart failure, what type it is, and what might be causing it. Your doctor may order more imaging tests. These … have heart failure, what type it is, and what might be causing it. Your doctor may order more imaging tests. These …
Health topics
… use an opioid if they use too much. People who have stopped using opioids for a period of time and then start using again are at higher risk for overdose because their … cocaine). There is no easy way to detect fentanyl so people using illicit drugs may put themselves at risk for overdose. …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… doctor how you are feeling. Risks The chance of a CT scan causing a problem is small. There is a chance of an allergic … doctor how you are feeling. Risks The chance of a CT scan causing a problem is small. There is a chance of an allergic …
Health topics
… include sealing cracks in the foundation or walls and using house or room pressurization. footnote 2 Venting radon … can be done to reduce the level of radon. These may include using fans, blowers, and suction devices to remove radon in … include sealing cracks in the foundation or walls and using house or room pressurization. footnote 2 Venting radon …