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Health topics
… it can permanently damage blood vessels in the brain, causing a stroke. People who use methamphetamine may become … it can permanently damage blood vessels in the brain, causing a stroke. People who use methamphetamine may become …
Health topics
… paint. Be careful with household products. Take care when using cleaning products, paints, solvents, and pesticides. … products. Follow the directions on the bottle. Consider using safer cleaners such as soap and water or baking soda. … Try to choose unscented and non-aerosol products. Avoid using chemical air fresheners and deodorizers. Related …
Health topics
Health topics
… You can also find how much UV exposure you are getting by using the shadow rule. If your shadow is longer than you, … If you're going to have high exposure to the sun, consider using a physical sunscreen. These sunscreens, such as zinc … You can also find how much UV exposure you are getting by using the shadow rule. If your shadow is longer than you, …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… or when the caregiver is unable to deal with the situation using other means. Antipsychotic medicines Antipsychotic … person may become dependent on these medicines over time, causing even worse symptoms when he or she suddenly stops … or when the caregiver is unable to deal with the situation using other means. Antipsychotic medicines Antipsychotic …
Health topics
… pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and … pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and …
Health topics
… use of heat after an injury. Some experts: Do not recommend using heat because it may increase swelling, especially in … use heat and you notice that the swelling increases, stop using heat and return to cold treatments. Think heat speeds … use of heat after an injury. Some experts: Do not recommend using heat because it may increase swelling, especially in …
Medical tests
… a lot of second-hand smoke. If you no longer smoke but are using a quit-smoking aid like gum or a patch, your test … may be able to get another test that can show that you are using quit-smoking aids and not tobacco. When you stop using nicotine, it can take more than 2 weeks for the levels …