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Medical tests
… . Help determine brain death. Find out what's causing seizures, including for epilepsy . Find poor blood … and wash hands well right after you use the bathroom. Avoid using a urinal. How It Feels You won't feel pain during the … . Help determine brain death. Find out what's causing seizures, including for epilepsy . Find poor blood …
Medical tests
HealthLinkBC files
… (water down) juice or prepare infant formula. Consider using a ready-to-feed formula for short trips. How can I … diarrhea unless advised by a health care provider. Avoid using bismuth subsalicylate (such as Pepto-Bismol) to treat … in children. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid using bismuth subsalicylate. If your child has taken this …
Health topics
… also use duplex Doppler ultrasound to find out what is causing the ulcer. This test shows how well blood is moving … also use duplex Doppler ultrasound to find out what is causing the ulcer. This test shows how well blood is moving …
Health topics
… ability to have an erection. Some tumours can be removed using a nerve-sparing technique. This means carefully … ability to have an erection. Some tumours can be removed using a nerve-sparing technique. This means carefully …