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Health topics
… to make and keep friendships. Doing poorly in school or refusing to go to school. Paying little attention to how they … such as temper tantrums, becoming sexually active, or using alcohol or illegal drugs. Not getting along well with … to make and keep friendships. Doing poorly in school or refusing to go to school. Paying little attention to how they …
Health topics
Health topics
… for signs of injury or other medical problems that may be causing your symptoms. Your doctor will also check to see if … for signs of injury or other medical problems that may be causing your symptoms. Your doctor will also check to see if …
Health topics
Health topics
… with a puss caterpillar, remove the broken-off spines by using cellophane tape or a commercial facial peel, and call … with a puss caterpillar, remove the broken-off spines by using cellophane tape or a commercial facial peel, and call …
Health topics