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HealthLinkBC files
… temperatures can cause water to condense on windows causing mould to grow on frames or sills. Water coming into … make sure to: Clean all smooth surfaces with mould growth using detergent and water. Do not use too much water because … call toll-free1-800-665-LUNG (5864) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Mould in Housing: Information for First …
Health topics
… side effects. Let your doctor know if you are already using any such therapies. Complementary therapies are not … side effects. Let your doctor know if you are already using any such therapies. Complementary therapies are not …
Health topics
… do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your … do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your …
Health topics
… and the symptoms go away within a few days after you stop using the medicine. But some drug allergies can be very … and the symptoms go away within a few days after you stop using the medicine. But some drug allergies can be very …
Health topics
… severe acne that doesn't get better after several months of using other medicines. A parent or sibling had severe acne … might not control your acne. Your acne could get worse, causing more scarring. Personal stories about taking … important More important I don't mind avoiding sex or using two forms of birth control while I'm taking this …
Health topics
… disease, or cancer. Treatment depends on what is causing the problem. Call your doctor for a checkup if you … disease, or cancer. Treatment depends on what is causing the problem. Call your doctor for a checkup if you …
Health topics
Health topics
… money, knowing when and where to seek medical care, and using public transportation. Some adults with disabilities … money, knowing when and where to seek medical care, and using public transportation. Some adults with disabilities …