2586 results found
… nausea, hot flashes (flushing), unusual sweating, trouble sleeping, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, decreased … (such as twins, triplets), or birth defects in an unborn baby. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. This … nausea, hot flashes (flushing), unusual sweating, trouble sleeping, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, decreased …
… better or if it gets worse. Side Effects Nausea, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, night sweats, headache, or menstrual … not be used during pregnancy. Elagolix may harm an unborn baby. Ask about reliable forms of non-hormonal birth control … better or if it gets worse. Side Effects Nausea, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, night sweats, headache, or menstrual …
… as confusion, depression, anxiety, memory loss) trouble sleeping trouble speaking difficult/unsteady walking bone … while using larotrectinib. Larotrectinib may harm an unborn baby. Women and men taking this medication should ask about … as confusion, depression, anxiety, memory loss) trouble sleeping trouble speaking difficult/unsteady walking bone …
Medical tests
… exercise, eating, sex, stress, bowel movements, and even sleeping. An ambulatory electrocardiogram is more likely to … stairs. Eat. Urinate or have a bowel movement. Have sex. Sleep. Get upset. Take medicine. If you have any symptoms of … rate may go up when you are active and go down when you sleep. It can be normal to have an early heartbeat now and …
HealthLinkBC files
… cannot spread TB bacteria to others. This is also called “sleeping TB”. TB disease occurs when you breathe TB bacteria … before. It does not tell whether the TB bacteria are sleeping or awake. For more information about TB skin … treatment: Treatment of TB infection helps prevent the “sleeping” TB bacteria from “waking up” and making you sick. …
Health topics
… take steps early to prevent tooth decay. To help prevent baby bottle tooth decay, don't put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice. To … the spread of decay-causing bacteria, don't feed your baby from utensils you have used. Teach your children to …
Medical tests
… a woman who has Rh-negative blood becomes pregnant with a baby (fetus) that has Rh-positive blood. This is called Rh incompatibility. If the blood of an Rh-positive baby mixes with the blood of an Rh-negative mother during … and, depending on when it occurs, can destroy the baby's red blood cells. Rh sensitization does not generally …
Healthy eating
… Introduction Eating well during your pregnancy gives your baby healthy nutrients to grow and develop. Some nutrients, … you have increases to meet the needs of both you and your baby. The iron you eat while pregnant will help your baby store enough for when she is born. To meet your calcium …
Health topics
… both feet are involved. Although clubfoot is painless in a baby, treatment should begin immediately. Clubfoot can cause … cases, clubfoot is just the result of the position of the baby while it is developing in the mother's womb (postural … injury. What are the symptoms? Clubfoot is painless in a baby, but it can eventually cause discomfort and become a …
Health topics
… other early menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and sleep problems. ET does have risks, including a slight risk … problems, such as gum disease and tooth loss. May help sleep problems and moodiness linked to hormone changes. May … effects such as headaches, an upset stomach, and problems sleeping. Clonidine , a blood pressure medicine, may relieve …