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2586 results found
Health topics
… in your area. Get some exercise. You may feel better and sleep better if you exercise. One way is to be active in … you more energy to carry you through each day. Get enough sleep. If you aren't getting enough sleep at night, take a nap during the day. Plan to get at …
Medical tests
… you are in the hospital, you may get medicine to make you sleep during the procedure. While you are asleep, the doctor can take samples of tissue. These will be … in your urethra. General anesthetic . You are put to sleep either with medicine through an IV or with gases …
Health topics
… resistance to infection. Eat a good diet, get plenty of sleep, and exercise regularly. Managing stress can also … bacteria. You can use a humidifier in the bedroom while you sleep. But use care if a person in the home has asthma or … sandpaper. This may be a sign of scarlet fever . Trouble sleeping because your throat is blocked by swollen tonsils …
Health topics
… about healthy physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep Prescribe physical activity to improve and maintain … movement Our team can help you move more, sit less and sleep better through:  Education about optimal levels of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep and advice on how to achieve these levels Personalized …
Health topics
… emotional and physical wellbeing will help you and your baby. Learn more about your health during pregnancy in this … It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any … These tests can provide insight into the health of your baby. They are a good way to make sure you are healthy, too. …
Health topics
… During pregnancy, it is tightly closed to protect the baby. Normally, it doesn't open until the baby is ready to be born. Most of the time, this happens at … in the pregnancy. The stitches are removed in time for the baby to be born. You may get medicine that makes you …
Health topics
… acetaminophen can be harmful. If you give medicine to your baby, follow your doctor's or pharmacist's advice about what … pharmacist before you give medicine to reduce a fever in a baby who is 3 months of age or younger. This is to make sure a young baby's fever is not a sign of a serious illness. Fevers …
Health topics
… 1 Month On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have many … doctor will talk to you about various issues during your baby's scheduled checkups. In addition to talking about … Learn how we develop our content . … If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have many …
Health topics
… first stage labour signs Image Cervix almost fully dilated Baby moves down further into pelvis, putting pressure on … support. Picture your cervix and body opening to let your baby out. Tell someone if you have the urge to push. If you …
Health topics
… lid and placed where your toddler can’t got to it Keep baby powder, talc, cornstarch, diaper pins, and other baby care objects well out of your toddler’s reach Wipe up …