2586 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLinkBC File #59a Food Safety: Easy Ways to Make Food Safer HealthLinkBC File #61b Petting Zoo and Open Farm …
Health topics
… records, you may get treatment more quickly, and it will be safer. Here are some steps to get your medical records: Call … records, you may get treatment more quickly, and it will be safer. Here are some steps to get your medical records: Call …
Health topics
… time, such as after surgery, or for long-term pain when safer options don't help. Opioids don't cure a health … time, such as after surgery, or for long-term pain when safer options don't help. Opioids don't cure a health …
Health topics
… special devices. And most devices don't make it easier or safer than doing exercises on your own. … special devices. And most devices don't make it easier or safer than doing exercises on your own. …
… (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, hostile/angry feelings, impulsive … symptoms such as mood swings, headache, tiredness, sleep changes, and brief feelings similar to electric shock. … be used only when clearly needed. It may harm an unborn baby. Also, babies born to mothers who have used this drug …
… (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, hostile/angry feelings, impulsive … symptoms such as mood swings, headache, tiredness, sleep changes, and brief feelings similar to electric shock. … be used only when clearly needed. It may harm an unborn baby. Also, babies born to mothers who have used this drug …
Health topics
… changes in your behaviour. You may be moody, have problems sleeping, or pay less attention to how you dress or look. … those of aging. Older adults often take medicines, such as sleep medicines and painkillers, that can lead to substance … problems, or sexual problems. Cause harm to a developing baby (fetus) if alcohol or drugs are used during pregnancy. …
… nausea/vomiting, stomach/abdominal pain, headache, trouble sleeping, or constipation may occur. If any of these effects … be used only when clearly needed. It may harm an unborn baby. However, since untreated seizures are a serious … (such as cetirizine, diphenhydramine), drugs for sleep or anxiety (such as alprazolam, diazepam, zolpidem), …
Health topics
… to treat snoring in people so that their bed partner can sleep better. It is rarely used and only considered in cases … after making lifestyle changes such as losing weight and sleeping on their sides. How Well It Works UPPP is often … or tissues. Complications after surgery may include: Sleepiness and periods when breathing stops ( sleep apnea ), …
Health topics
… , a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are found in … supplements are sometimes used to treat jet lag or sleep problems (insomnia). Scientists are also looking at … to: Treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Help control sleep patterns for people who work night shifts. Prevent or …