2586 results found
Health topics
… with your daily activities. The urge keeps you from sleeping at night. A moderate or mild urgency problem means … your daily activities. It usually does not keep you from sleeping. Pain in adults and older children Severe pain (8 … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. …
Health topics
… are night sweats? Night sweats are heavy sweating during sleep. This kind of sweating is different than the occasional sweating people have from sleeping deeply, being in a warm room, or having too many … making too much thyroid hormone. Anxiety. Too much alcohol. Sleep apnea . Hormone changes related to menopause. …
Health topics
… to family, friends, and others. They can also make you safer when you drive or when you work around your home. … feel connected to others. Hearing better will make you feel safer when you drive or when you work around your home or on … to family, friends, and others. They can also make you safer when you drive or when you work around your home. …
… urine) fast/pounding heartbeat interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) mental/mood changes (such as forgetfulness) … plan to become pregnant. This medication may harm an unborn baby and cause problems with normal labor/delivery. It is …
Health topics
… Stress. Skipping meals or not getting enough to eat. Sleeping too much or not enough. Alcohol use. Sinus … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… will discuss things that can raise your risk. These include sleep apnea; obesity; and heart, lung, or liver disease. How … risk for problems with anesthesia. These include smoking, sleep apnea, and being overweight. Don't smoke for as long … to lose weight beforehand. If you have a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, make sure to use it. Many people are nervous …
Health topics
… August 14, 2013 Download PDF: Document French Latching your baby onto the breast correctly is important for successful breastfeeding. Having your baby skin-to-skin with you is the ideal way to start. It helps your baby find the breast and nipple. Some babies can latch …
… to treat restless legs syndrome (RLS). It may improve your sleep by decreasing the urge to move your legs and … vision changes Some people taking ropinirole have fallen asleep suddenly during their usual daily activities (such as talking on the phone, driving). In some cases, sleep occurred without any feelings of drowsiness …
… absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … tiredness, weakness, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, or changes in taste may occur. Nausea and vomiting … tiredness, weakness, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, or changes in taste may occur. Nausea and vomiting …
Health topics
… Overview What is colic? All babies cry, but sometimes a baby will cry for hours at a time, no matter what you do. This extreme type of crying in a baby between 3 weeks and 3 months of age is called colic. … some babies. Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries more than expected: more than 3 hours a day more …