2586 results found
Medical tests
… biophysical profile (BPP) test measures the health of your baby (fetus) during pregnancy. A BPP test may include a … there isn't much movement, it may be because the baby is asleep. If this happens during your test, the technician may … there isn't much movement, it may be because the baby is asleep. If this happens during your test, the technician may …
Medical tests
… Overview A contraction stress test checks to see if your baby will stay healthy during contractions when you are in … During a contraction, the blood and oxygen supply to your baby drops for a short time. This is not a problem for most … tells your body to release oxytocin. During this test, your baby's heart rate may slow down (decelerate) in a certain …
Health topics
… into your body end up in your breast milk and may harm your baby. Tobacco. Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco may reduce your milk production. It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are … do. If you smoke, do so as little as possible. To give your baby the least exposure to the smoke, smoke outside and …
Health topics
… breastfeeding may not be possible (especially if your baby is preterm). Here is a video on Cup Feeding and other … Combining breastfeeding and formula-feeding Choosing baby bottles and nipples Formula feeding your baby - safely preparing and storing formula VIDEO: Admission …
… fainting Some people using apomorphine have fallen asleep suddenly during their usual daily activities (such as talking on the phone, driving). In some cases, sleep occurred without any feelings of drowsiness beforehand. This sleep effect may occur anytime during treatment with …
Health topics
… 3, 2024 Overview It's easy to focus on your newborn baby after giving birth. As a parent, you'll also need … After childbirth Childbirth is taxing for both mom and baby. You may experience some problems after birth, … after pains Help with urination after giving birth Mom and baby staying together Problems after delivery of your baby …
Health topics
… This substance is found in breast milk, many types of baby formula, and most foods, especially those with a lot of … is passed down through families. To have the disease, a baby must get (inherit) the PKU gene from both parents. The … have PKU or even know that PKU runs in their families. A baby who gets the gene from only one parent is a carrier of …
Health topics
… such as going to work or school. You may not be able to sleep, and you may feel very tired. What causes chronic … want to know if your pain disrupts your daily activities, sleep, or mood. You also may be asked to keep a pain diary. … conditions. Depression can make pain worse. Get enough sleep every night. Learn to alternate activity with rest …
Health topics
… Overview There are many ways to help your baby who is teething . You can help relieve discomfort by offering your baby safe objects to chew or suck on. Teething rings, … teether because they can become too hard and may harm your baby's gums. Don't use fluid-filled teethers. Clean teething …
Health topics
… the first few weeks when their breasts feel soft, and their baby seems to be feeding constantly! The truth is, if your baby's feeding well, gaining weight, and has lots of wet and … and demand is essential to breastfeeding - the more your baby feeds, the more milk you produce. Click here to find …