2586 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Alcohol slows down your reaction time and could put you to sleep, which is dangerous and can lead to more or worse …
Health topics
… or take drugs that relax you while using oxygen. Alcohol, sleeping pills, or sedatives and other drugs can make you … Hasmeena Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine Current as of: November 14, 2022 Author: … Hasmeena Kathuria MD - Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine This information does not replace the advice …
Health topics
… Ask your doctor if there is another medicine you can try. Sleep problems Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Don't … evening. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool, and use a sleep mask and earplugs. If these problems don't go away … friends. Manic behaviour , such as having very high energy, sleeping less than normal, being impulsive, or being grouchy …
Health topics
… health problems, such as tension headaches , depression , sleep problems, and fatigue . These problems are common in … your workstation, improve your posture, or change your sleep position to avoid muscle tension. Trigger point shots … or muscle relaxants that help relax muscles and relieve sleep problems related to myofascial pain. Related …
Medical tests
… It's used to look for possible problems with your baby. The quad screening measures the amounts of four things … (AFP). AFP is made in the liver of an unborn baby (fetus). Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This … Hormone inhibin A. This hormone is produced by the baby and the placenta. This test can't show for sure that …
Health topics
… soreness or pain usually occurs for about a minute when the baby first latches on to the breast. Pain that is severe or … ("hanging out") without a proper latch after falling asleep at the breast. Pulling the baby's mouth away from the … ("hanging out") without a proper latch after falling asleep at the breast. Pulling the baby's mouth away from the …
Health topics
… or cause symptoms. But if you pass the bacteria to your baby during the birth, it can cause serious health problems for your baby. If you have this bacteria in your body, you will get … in labour. Antibiotics help prevent problems for a newborn baby. After birth, doctors will watch and may test your …
Health topics
… is cut at birth, a stump of tissue remains attached to your baby's belly button (navel). The stump gradually dries and … heal more quickly. Keep the area clean and dry. Keep your baby's diaper folded below the umbilical cord stump. If … does not work well, before you put the diaper on your baby, cut out a small area near the top of the diaper to …
Health topics
… fluid means that there is too little fluid around your baby in the uterus during pregnancy. Having a low amount of this fluid can affect how the baby grows. It may lead to problems during labour and delivery. Amniotic fluid protects your baby from being bumped or hurt as you move your body. And it …
Health topics
… patterns that causes either weight gain or weight loss Sleeping too much or not enough Feeling restless and unable … of desire, erection problems). Headaches. Trouble falling asleep, or waking a lot during the night. Weight gain. … during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. But not treating depression can …