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Health topics
… that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate … notice the pain, but it is not bad enough to disrupt your sleep or activities. Severe trouble breathing means: You …
… drowsiness, stomach upset, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, headache, or dry mouth may occur. If any of these … effects. Some people taking this medication have fallen asleep suddenly during their usual daily activities (such as talking on the phone, driving). In some cases, sleep occurred without any feelings of drowsiness …
Health topics
… and 37 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a preterm birth. A baby born early is called preterm (or premature). Preterm … and 37 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a preterm birth. A baby born early is called preterm (or premature). Preterm …
… listening skills. This drug is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during … It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. How To Use Read the Medication Guide and, if …
… skills. This medication is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during … It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. How To Use Read the Medication Guide and, if …
… care professional. This drug may also be used for a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy). It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. How To Use Read the Medication Guide and, if …
Health topics
… Your body has been carefully designed to deliver your baby safely, and most births go smoothly, without any … birthing positions, or making arrangements to touch your baby's head during the birth. Examples of a birth wishes … if possible After the birth, we would like to have the baby placed on my chest, skin-to-skin Tom would like to cut …
Health topics
… fluid in the ear canal and middle ear may affect your baby's hearing. This fluid usually clears in a few days. … responsive to high-pitched and loud sounds. Your newborn baby also recognizes and prefers the mother's voice. Smell. … your newborn has a well-developed sense of smell. Your baby is also tuned into the smell of the mother and can …
Health topics
… and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress … development to help your teen grow. Be aware of changing sleep patterns. Fast-growing and busy teens need a lot of …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is an undescended testicle? As a baby boy grows inside his mother, he develops testicles . … testicle does not move into the scrotum as it should, the baby has an undescended testicle . In rare cases, both testicles are undescended. It is most common in baby boys who were born before their due date or who were …