2586 results found
Health topics
… serious health problems. But for a pregnant woman's growing baby, it can cause brain damage and vision loss. Still, the … woman getting the infection and passing it on to her baby is low. If you're pregnant or planning to have a baby and are worried that you may have toxoplasmosis, ask …
… pain, tingling/numbness in hands/feet, and trouble sleeping may occur. In children, fever, mouth/throat pain, … be used only when clearly needed. It may harm an unborn baby. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. It is … pain, tingling/numbness in hands/feet, and trouble sleeping may occur. In children, fever, mouth/throat pain, …
Health topics
… increased blood pressure, a faster heart rate, headaches, sleep problems, and unpleasant changes in bowel habits. It … increased blood pressure, a faster heart rate, headaches, sleep problems, and unpleasant changes in bowel habits. It …
Health topics
… Have a screening test to find out the chance that your baby has a birth defect. Don't have a screening test. You … for birth defects means that you may find out that your baby has a serious problem. So it's important to think about … mean to you and your partner. Would the news that your baby has a birth defect change your parenting plans? If, for …
Health topics
… is preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM)? Before a baby is born, the amniotic sac breaks. Then fluid either … when you have pPROM? Many people with pPROM have their baby within 1 week. It may take longer. Some people carry … You will likely stay in the hospital so you and your baby can be closely watched. You will probably be given …
Medical tests
… is a test to look at the fluid that surrounds your baby ( fetus ) in the uterus . Amniotic fluid has cells and … test may be done between weeks 15 and 20 to look at the baby's genes. It can also be used later in pregnancy. … . This can show if there are any problems that put the baby at risk for certain conditions, such as Down syndrome . …
Health topics
… Overview What is bedwetting? Bedwetting is urination during sleep. Children learn bladder control at different ages. … Some children may not have enough of this hormone. Deep sleeping. Many children who wet the bed sleep so deeply that they don't wake up to use the washroom. …
Health topics
… of development. For the first seven weeks, a developing baby is referred to as an "embryo." From eight weeks to … Image The fetus now has all the organs that a full term baby will have. The heart is functioning. Bones begin to … pregnancy – the first trimester - is a critical time. Your baby is growing and developing rapidly, and is most at risk …
Health topics
… a treatable birth defect. It happens when the roof of the baby's mouth (palate) doesn't develop normally during … causes it? Doctors aren't sure what causes it. But your baby may be more likely to have a cleft palate if you: Use … of yourself before and during your pregnancy so that your baby will be as healthy as possible. If someone in your …
Health topics
… syphilis, and gonorrhea. If you have hepatitis C, your baby will need to be tested but not during the pregnancy. Testing is usually done when a baby is 12 to 18 months old. But it may be done sooner. … hepatitis C during pregnancy, they might spread it to their baby before or during delivery. It isn't spread through …