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Health topics
… an allergic reaction. Cockroaches are a problem in many homes, especially in inner-city areas. Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: Clean often. Pay special attention to carpets, … which carry air to the lungs. So chemicals aren't the first choice for controlling cockroaches in the home. If you …
Health topics
… over-the-counter medicines ) without talking to your doctor first. Take folic acid daily. Folic acid is a B vitamin. … over-the-counter medicines ) without talking to your doctor first. Take folic acid daily. Folic acid is a B vitamin. …
Health topics
… will happen. This can be something like taking a new route home from the grocery store. Tell your child exactly what … reading, or colouring. School-age children (6 to 12 years) Give clear instructions so that your child is more … in stores or restaurants. Or they may have problems at home when visitors come by. Make a plan with your child …
Medical tests
… are collected from the baby's heel. The skin of the heel is first cleaned with alcohol and then punctured with a small … are collected from the baby's heel. The skin of the heel is first cleaned with alcohol and then punctured with a small …
Medical tests
… workplace. Testing is common for people who work in public safety, such as bus drivers or child care workers. Some jobs … of a drug in the body and to confirm the results of the first test. Toxicology tests Normal: No unexpected drugs are … workplace. Testing is common for people who work in public safety, such as bus drivers or child care workers. Some jobs …
Health topics
… conditions and neural tube defects. If you have your first prenatal visit during your second trimester, you'll … conditions and neural tube defects. If you have your first prenatal visit during your second trimester, you'll …
Health topics
… Adult Underwear for Incontinence Caregiving: Making a Home Safe Caregiving: Preventing Rashes in the Groin Area … Hospice Programs Checklist for Preventing Falls at Home Choosing a Nursing Home Choosing a Substitute Decision-Maker (SDM) Chronic Pain …
Health topics
… mental health problem that has been studied for many years. You may get PTSD if you have lived through a … Your job also could expose you to traumatic events. First responders at a traumatic event, such as firefighters … Your job also could expose you to traumatic events. First responders at a traumatic event, such as firefighters …
Health topics
… symptoms are mild to moderate, doctors recommend that you first try an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as … use to prevent migraine headaches. You may try things at home such as identifying and avoiding triggers. You can … helps. George, age 35 I have had migraines off and on for years. I was usually able to control them by taking …
Health topics
… out the tiny holes in the nipple (let-down reflex). In the first few days after delivery, oxytocin also causes uterine … out the tiny holes in the nipple (let-down reflex). In the first few days after delivery, oxytocin also causes uterine …