4885 results found
Health topics
… and sometimes vomiting ( morning sickness ) during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. For some women, morning … may be able to gain some relief from morning sickness using home treatment, such as changing what, when, and how much … to drink fluids. Your vomiting has not gotten better with home treatment. Practice the following good health habits …
… Apply one tablet within one hour after you have the first symptom of a cold sore, and before a cold sore … does not stick to your upper gum or falls off within the first 6 hours after you apply it, the same tablet should be … gum. If you accidentally swallow the tablet within the first 6 hours after placement, drink a glass of water and …
HealthLinkBC files
… syndrome. Do not give ASA or Aspirin® to anyone under 18 years of age to manage symptoms such as fever, headache and … use ibuprofen for relief of symptoms in children under 18 years of age. Examples of ibuprofen include Advil® and … ibuprofen in children under 6 months of age without first talking to your health care provider. Always use the …
Health topics
… nursing school. It helped relieve the stress of school. But years later, something happened to make her think twice … to keep trying to quit, Nancy says. As a nurse, Nancy knew first-hand what it was like to struggle for each breath. She … to keep trying to quit, Nancy says. As a nurse, Nancy knew first-hand what it was like to struggle for each breath. She …
Health topics
… strength and confidence, even if they don't feel it at first. Help children become involved socially with other … Information Bullying Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Growth and Development, Ages 6 to 10 Years Growth and … strength and confidence, even if they don't feel it at first. Help children become involved socially with other …
Health topics
… much urine is released. How can you care for yourself at home? Your doctor will help you manage your pain, but there … much urine is released. How can you care for yourself at home? Your doctor will help you manage your pain, but there …
Health topics
… open areas in the palm. How can you care for yourself at home? To help get rid of tightness and keep your fingers … open areas in the palm. How can you care for yourself at home? To help get rid of tightness and keep your fingers …
HealthLinkBC files
… 30 minutes or more A second seizure within 24 hours of the first What can cause a febrile seizure? Febrile seizures can … occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. About 1 in 25 children will have a febrile seizure … not be given to children under 6 months of age without first speaking to your health care provider. For more …
Health topics
… women should not use magnetic field therapy because the safety of this therapy is not proved. People who have … women should not use magnetic field therapy because the safety of this therapy is not proved. People who have …
Health topics
… in your phone. Other things you can do Consider your own safety. If you feel safe, stay with the person, or ask … in your phone. Other things you can do Consider your own safety. If you feel safe, stay with the person, or ask …