3447 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… warts. The vaccine is provided as 2 doses given at least 6 months apart. Children with a weakened immune system need 3 … influenzae type b (DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib) vaccine (#105) Your baby's immune system and vaccines (#50a) The benefits of … and Patches for Immunizations (#50h) Immunizations at 2 months of age (#50i) Immunizations at 12 months of age …
Health topics
… depressant effect of alcohol and sedative use. Eat healthy meals and snacks. Include meaningful activity in your daily … hard to chew. Or you may not enjoy planning and preparing meals, especially if you live alone. Now that you need to … you work with a dietitian. A dietitian can help you plan meals. Changing nutritional needs As you get older, your …
… while using eltrombopag. Eltrombopag may harm an unborn baby. Ask about reliable forms of birth control while using … while using eltrombopag. Eltrombopag may harm an unborn baby. Ask about reliable forms of birth control while using …
… medication can interfere with the uric acid in the blood sample tubes when the tubes remain at room temperature, … must follow special procedures to process the blood sample. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious … medication can interfere with the uric acid in the blood sample tubes when the tubes remain at room temperature, …
Health topics
… see: High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet . DASH Diet Sample Menu . The food groups and serving sizes in the table … in blood pressure may result. DASH Diet Sample Menu High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure: Using … see: High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet . DASH Diet Sample Menu . The food groups and serving sizes in the table …
… absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … control while using this medication and for at least 6 months after the last dose. Men with female partners of …
Health topics
… better. You'll need to keep taking the pills for several months to build up the iron in your body. If you think you … the pills. You'll need to keep taking them for several months to build up your iron stores. Eat iron-rich foods … better. You'll need to keep taking the pills for several months to build up the iron in your body. If you think you …
Health topics
… to a sex partner who doesn't have the infection or to your baby, if you are pregnant. footnote 3 It can take as little as 2 weeks or as long as 3 months from the time you become infected with HIV for the … therapy (ART) can reduce the risk of passing HIV to your baby. What are the benefits of getting tested? Getting …
Health topics
… are a woman 35 or older and have tried well-timed sex for 6 months, you might want to think about infertility testing … But my second husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now, and I still haven't gotten … But my second husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now, and I still haven't gotten …
Health topics
… will have more of these contractions during your ninth month. It is often hard to tell the difference between true … when the cervix is fully effaced and dilated and the baby is ready to be pushed out. During this phase, … Transition Transition is the end of active labour. As the baby moves down, contractions become more intense and longer …