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3447 results found
… absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … absorbed through the skin and lungs and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … the bottle. After opening the bottle, use/discard within 3 months. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do …
Medical tests
… the thermometer. This will make it easy to insert. With a baby or small child, turn the child face down on your lap or … flat surface that's covered or padded, such as a bed. If a baby is unable to safely lie on their stomach, place them on … High fever: 40°C (104°F) and higher Infants less than 3 months with a rectal temperature of 38°C(100.4°F) or higher …
HealthLinkBC files
… outbreak in late pregnancy can pass the infection to their baby during a vaginal childbirth. What are the symptoms? … they have the virus. Sometimes, symptoms may not appear for months or years. Symptoms vary from person-to-person and … can be taken to help prevent the virus being passed to the baby. This is most likely to happen if the mother has a …
Health topics
… Effectiveness of this method depends on the age of your baby, your period and if you are breastfeeding consistently. After 6 months, you should use an additional form of birth control, …
Health topics
… Appliance Cleft Lip Cleft Palate Cleft Palate: Feeding Your Baby Cold Sores Dental Anxiety Dental Care During Pregnancy … Dental Care for Older Adults Dental Care From Birth to 6 Months Dental Care: 3 Years to 6 Years Dental Care: 6 Years … Appliance Cleft Lip Cleft Palate Cleft Palate: Feeding Your Baby Cold Sores Dental Anxiety Dental Care During Pregnancy …
Health topics
… get worse quickly. Teenagers may need new glasses every 12 months or even more often. Nearsightedness usually stops … get worse quickly. Teenagers may need new glasses every 12 months or even more often. Nearsightedness usually stops …
Health topics
… to consider when you breastfeed is comfort - yours and the baby's. Trying different positions, and changing when you … positions. A pillow on your lap can help bring your baby up to breast height so you don't have to hunch. You may … hold, or modified cradle hold, is where you hold your baby in the crook of the arm opposite the breast you’re …
… will give you regularly scheduled injections, usually every month for the first 4 doses, and then as determined by your … while using faricimab. Faricimab may harm an unborn baby. Ask about reliable forms of birth control before … while using faricimab. Faricimab may harm an unborn baby. Ask about reliable forms of birth control before …
Health topics
… This keeps sperm from reaching a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a … birth control until you have a follow-up sperm count test 2 months after the vasectomy (or after 10 to 20 ejaculations … This keeps sperm from reaching a woman's egg to make a baby when ejaculation occurs during sex. A vasectomy is a …
Health topics
… types of tests can be used to diagnose trich. Most use a sample of urine or a swab from the cervix or vagina. How is … types of tests can be used to diagnose trich. Most use a sample of urine or a swab from the cervix or vagina. How is …