4474 results found
… gums, and then swallow the water. This will help to prevent problems with your teeth. Do not brush your teeth for at … serious side effects. Severe (possibly fatal) breathing problems can occur if this medication is abused, injected, … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
… may also cause severe, possibly fatal, breathing problems. To lower your risk, your doctor should have you … overdose and how to treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after … or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems may cause very serious side effects, including …
… may also cause severe, possibly fatal, breathing problems. To lower your risk, your doctor should have you … overdose and how to treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after … or other drugs that can cause drowsiness or breathing problems may cause very serious side effects, including …
Health topics
… screws, catheters, and medicine pumps. Yes Diabetes, immune problems, peripheral arterial disease, or surgical hardware in affected area No Diabetes, immune problems, peripheral arterial disease, or surgical hardware … heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid medicines, which may be used to treat a …
Health topics
… does not appear to be a direct result of emotional problems. In fact, bedwetting may be the cause of some emotional problems for children. But children living in stressful home … in a row after trying home treatment, and it is causing problems at school or in the child's relationships with …
Health topics
… and play. It's also one that lowers your risk for health problems. Why pay attention to your weight? Staying at a … can do for your health. It can help prevent serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter …
Health topics
… may need to have it removed by a doctor. You can also have problems from a piercing in the mouth. The piece of skin … heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid medicines, which may be used to treat a … drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Call 9-1-1 Now Based on your …
Health topics
… hernias usually do not cause a health problem. Rare problems include part of the intestine getting trapped in … hernia doesn't hurt. A hernia poses no risks except if rare problems occur, such as part of the intestine getting … that is not closing on its own. Your child avoids rare problems, such as part of the intestine getting trapped in …
Health topics
… surgery if the prolapse is causing pain, if you are having problems with your bladder and bowels, or if the prolapse is … Consider surgery if: The prolapse causes pain. You have problems with your bladder and bowels. The prolapse makes it … What are the risks of surgery for pelvic organ prolapse? Problems you may have after surgery can include: Trouble …
Health topics
… is called reconstructive surgery. Any surgery has a risk of problems. Mastectomy is a more involved surgery with a longer recovery time and a higher risk of problems than breast-conserving surgery. And if you have … radiation treatments if I can. I am worried about having problems after mastectomy, like getting an infection. More …