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Health topics
… your bleeding is different than usual. They can check for problems. What causes it? Abnormal uterine bleeding has many … by changes in hormone levels. It can also be caused by problems such as growths in the uterus or clotting problems. In rare cases, it may be caused by a more serious …
Health topics
… to become thick and sticky. The mucus builds up and causes problems in many of the body's organs, especially the lungs … pancreas . People who have CF can have serious breathing problems and lung disease. What causes it? CF is caused by a … who has CF include a blocked small intestine, breathing problems, not growing or gaining weight even with a good …
Health topics
… you having trouble seeing? This means you are having new problems reading ordinary print or seeing things at a … heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. Long-term alcohol and drug problems. Steroid medicines, which may be used to treat a … drive you. You are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Seek Care Today Based on your …
Health topics
… programs may help. Knowing what to expect can help you spot problems early. And it can help you feel better about how … parents usually relate to physical growth and development, problems in school, and social situations. Children this age … in sports. Children who are tall for their age may have problems when people think they are older and expect them to …
… Uses This medication is used to treat certain bladder problems (overactive bladder, neurogenic detrusor … control condition caused by brain, spinal cord, or nerve problems. Symptoms of these conditions may include frequent … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
… Uses This medication is used to treat certain bladder problems such as the inability to urinate or empty the … due to certain causes (such as surgery, bladder muscle problems). It works by helping the bladder muscle to squeeze … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before …
Medical tests
… make the muscles react in certain ways. Nerve and muscle problems cause the muscles to react in ways that aren't … (paralysis), why they feel weak, or why they twitch. These problems may include a herniated disc, amyotrophic lateral … health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you …
Medical tests
… Overview A hysteroscopy is a procedure to find and treat problems with your uterus. It may be done to remove growths … used to diagnose and treat abnormal bleeding or fertility problems. The doctor will guide a lighted tube through the … health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if …
Health topics
… foramen ovale, or PFO. A PFO usually doesn't cause problems as the person gets older. But sometimes it can lead to problems such as a stroke. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor … blood clot that came from the heart. If a PFO doesn't cause problems, then you probably won't need treatment. …