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2658 results found
Health topics
… options are active surveillance , radiation therapy , and surgery to remove the prostate. Active surveillance may be … Surveillance? Prostate Cancer: Should I Have Radiation or Surgery for Localized Prostate Cancer? Actionsets are … options are active surveillance, radiation therapy, and surgery to remove the prostate. Hormone therapy is sometimes …
Health topics
… will want to remove the cancer. The most common way is surgery. Radiation may be done if surgery isn't an option. Other treatments include … body, and your age and overall health. Options include: Surgery. The doctor numbs the skin and cuts out the cancer. …
Health topics
… mothers and babies do well after C-section. But it is major surgery, so it carries more risk than a normal vaginal … veins to give fluids and medicine (if needed) during the surgery. She will then get medicine (either epidural or … anesthesia , which makes the mother sleep during the surgery, is only used in an emergency. After the anesthesia …
Health topics
… things, such as your overall health. The main treatment is surgery to remove the cancer. Other treatment options may … before taking them. Having a baby. Breast-feeding. Having surgery to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes . This may … can talk with you about the risks and benefits of this surgery. Learn more Birth Control Hormones: The Pill …
Healthy eating
… of gallbladder disease. It also covers what to eat after surgery. Steps you can take People often believe that they … cause your problems. Avoid those foods until after you have surgery. After you have surgery: Unless your doctor tells you not to, go back to …
Health topics
… a donor? Removing a kidney from your body involves major surgery. There is a risk of complications from surgery, such as pain, infection, pneumonia, and bleeding. A … you can make the decision that's right for you. How is the surgery done? You will be given a general anesthetic before …
Health topics
… and may see blood and pus at the anus. You will need urgent surgery to prevent further complications, such as death of … simple changes to diet and bowel habits. Most don't require surgery or other treatment unless the hemorrhoids are very … to create scar tissue. This is called coagulation therapy. Surgery Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is called …
Health topics
… the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. Surgery is done if all of the cancer can be removed. Other … pain, help you digest food, and manage your blood sugar. Surgery, radiation therapy, and other treatments are often … the cancer and other things, such as your overall health. Surgery is done if all of the cancer can be removed. Other …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Surgery Dialysis What … (ACE) Inhibitors Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) Surgery If you have chronic kidney disease that gets worse, … (ACE) Inhibitors Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs) Surgery If you have chronic kidney disease that gets worse, …
Health topics
… much and how often to take it What to watch for Do I need surgery or another treatment? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, fill in the following information. Surgery or another treatment Name of treatment Who will do … prepare for it What are the risks and benefits of medicine, surgery, or other treatment? Fill in the following …