6344 results found
Medical tests
… ultrasound , or CT scan . The MRI makes pictures that show your breast's normal structure; tissue damage or disease, … abnormal blood flow, such as with some types of cancer or areas of inflammation. MRI is a safe and valuable test for … might hear it called a "fast MRI.") This test is something your doctor or breast cancer screening centre may offer. Why …
Health topics
… healing time than light or medium peels. Before the peel Your doctor can help you decide what depth of peel and what … type of chemical is best for you. This decision is based on your skin type, which areas you want peeled, and what kind of results you want. …
Health topics
… Information Why do people sweat? Sweating is your body's way of cooling down and getting rid of some … you do at home? It can be upsetting to have sweat drip from your face and palms or to have smelly feet and shoes. It may … Attach pads (underarm or dress shields) to the armpit area of clothing to absorb sweat. You can buy these pads in …
Health topics
… have inflammatory breast cancer without having a lump in your breast. What are the symptoms? Inflammatory breast … red, and warm A breast that is tender or painful An area of itching in the breast A recent change in the nipple. … glands (lymph nodes) in the armpit How is it diagnosed? If your doctor suspects you have inflammatory breast cancer, …
Medical tests
… which is the muscle that separates the chest and belly areas. Often two X-rays will be taken from different … a body cavity. Confirm the proper position of tubes used by your doctor in your treatment, such as a tube to drain the stomach …
Medical tests
… tissues inside the breast. A breast ultrasound can show all areas of the breast, including the area closest to the chest … See how far cancer has spread in a breast. Check your breasts if you have silicone breast implants or dense … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Wear something that makes it easy …
HealthLinkBC files
… there is a chance that one or more larvae will burrow under your skin. Since the larvae cannot survive in humans they … precautions you can take: Speak with other visitors to the area, local health officers or parks representatives about … plants Use a pier or dock to enter the water to help reduce your risk of exposure, as there may be more larvae near the …
Medical tests
… sample, depending on the size and location of the abnormal area of skin, called a skin lesion. The skin sample is … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. If you are taking any medicines, … anti-inflammatory medicines such as prednisone, talk to your doctor. Anti-inflammatory medicines may change the way …
Health topics
… removed if it appears that cancer may have spread to these areas. All mastectomies remove the whole breast. Because the … be done later as a separate procedure. What to expect After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room. A nurse … area. If these tubes are still in place when you go home, your nurse will teach you how to take care of them. Your …
Health topics
… the largest tendon in the body. It allows you to rise up on your toes and push off while walking or running. What are … over time. Other conditions can affect the Achilles tendon area. They include: Achilles paratenonitis . Retrocalcaneal … have swelling and bruising. You may not be able to point your foot down or stand on your toes. Some people with …