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Health topics
… later. After a traumatic event you may: Have changes in your emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or that the world … guilt. Feeling too little emotion, or numb. Have changes in your behaviours, such as: Avoiding people or places that … CMHA website at for help finding a counsellor in your area. Connect …
Health topics
… Information What is a calf muscle injury? Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius … often caused during sports where you need to push off with your foot quickly for a sudden burst of speed. Examples … since this can cause more swelling below the affected area. Loosen the bandage if it gets too tight. Signs that …
Health topics
… than styes. If a chalazion gets large enough, it may affect your vision. The inflammation and swelling may spread to the area surrounding the eye. Chalazia often go away in a few … a stye is not getting better with home treatment, talk to your doctor. You may need a prescription for antibiotic eye …
Health topics
… most common on the scalp, face, neck, hands, and forearms. Your doctor can remove these growths by freezing or scraping … occur on the head, neck, or hands but can be found on other areas of the body. Usually more than one is present. They … Actinic keratosis is diagnosed through a skin examination. Your doctor may use a bright light or magnifying lens to …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. If an older baby is having the … it may help if the baby is a little hungry. You can feed your baby during the test. This may help calm your baby so … looks normal. There are no signs of bleeding, suspicious areas (lesions), abnormal growths, or infection. Abnormal: …
Health topics
… of time, usually 72 hours. How can you give support? If your partner, parent, child, or friend just left inpatient … for, such as their strengths and talents. Take care of yourself. Build a support system of close friends and … CMHA website at for help finding a group or counsellor in your area. …
Health topics
… of bone near a damaged joint. This shifts weight from an area where there is damaged cartilage to an area where there … uses of osteotomy for osteoarthritis. The idea is to tilt your body weight toward the outer, healthier part of the … bone (tibia) near the knee. After removing the bone wedge, your surgeon will bring together the remaining bones and …
Health topics
… Information Overview It can be very painful to tear or rip your nail from the nail bed. A nail may separate from the … Treatment may involve removing the nail, keeping the area dry to prevent infection, and waiting for a new nail to … part of the nail if the nail is partly attached. Soak your finger or toe in cold water for 20 minutes after …
Health topics
… at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another, … the skull have started to close. Still have a "baby" look. Your child's head is large in proportion to the rest of the … 1: Are curious about everyday objects and how they work. Your child may try turning knobs, pushing buttons, and …
Health topics
… at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language. But they may be behind in another … web page "Is My Child Growing Well?" at… to … gender. Follow 2- to 3-step instructions, such as "pick up your doll, and put it on your bed next to the teddy bear." …